The Streets Are Talking...

Once again, Umar, you did it to yourself.

Playing the "tough guy," playing a "street nigga," got you the wrong kind of attention once again.

Your card had been pulled.

And you have no one to blame but yourself.

You have been telling on yourself for a while with the whole "doctor if psychology" gambit. Unfortunately, a lot of our people didn't have the knowledge and information to see that you weren't really a doctor.  If you were a licensed professional, you would have had your license revoked.

And you damned well knew that.  You took advantage of people's lack of knowledge to use them for money, prestige, and likely (if rumors are true), sex from the mothers of the children you claim to be helping.

That last part could be why you got your ass on your back about what Seti said.  Not that I'm endorsing Seti's behavior, but it looks like that comment from Seti hit the nail too close to the head for your comfort.

Moving on...

However, some of us DID see that a real, licensed, professional psychologist wouldn't DARE get on social media and lie, meme, film 'counseling sessions,' engage in dual relationships, name-call people and post videos trying to act 'gangsta'.

It really is ridiculous, unethical and possibly illegal.

From: Judah Briskin, a $1000 donor to FDMG

You also have been real shady about the GoFundMe and PayPal accounts that were supposedly for this school.  You block people from your social media, including myself, who want you to account for the money or give it back.  You know that, legally, that GoFundMe means exactly that--go fund me.

The money that donors think they are donating to a school is going to you.  You can do what you want to do with that money.  And the donors don't even know where their money is.

There's hope because people are catching on to your bullshit.  Now a Philly OG has pulled your card.

It's time to come up with the receipts, or you might get your hustle shut down.

But it gets better, or worse, Mr. Prince of Pan-Africanism, because our Liberian sisters and brothers have busted you in your mess...

From:  Facebook page of Makeda Fatou Naeem dated January 1, 2017

AND, there's more!

From:  Facebook page of Makeda Fatou Naeem dated January 1, 2017

Umar, it's time for you to put up or shut up.  Better yet, get out of the way for those who are doing real work.

We don't need another con artist who is selling pipe dreams to our people who are looking for hope and solutions for themselves, their families and their communities.

In my personal opinion, you are a piece of trash who pimps our people's hopes and aspirations for their children and for our people to be free.  And the sooner you are out if the way, the better our communities will be.

Oh, and your father.  He's worried about you and I can't blame him.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


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