Watch Out Ladies, Umar Is Looking For His Queen(s)

Those donations must be getting less frequent and lower in amount because Umar is looking for his Queen(s). Perhaps, he's soliciting "resumes" because he's looking for a sister or sisters with money and means so he can work his charm and perhaps bamboozle them.

Work with me because it's just a theory. But wait, he even said he wants to see what the resume submitters, um, I mean Queens, are 'working with'.

Unfortunately for Umar, and perhaps his potential queen or queens, he solicited "wife resumes" during one of the Tuesday 'counseling' sessions.

Damn the romance!  This is business!

I have two questions.  The first question is what on earth kind of resume would that be?  The second question is wouldn't a PSYCHOLOGIST soliciting "resumes" for a wife or for wives during a 'counseling' session be highly unethical?

I don't know if Umar's supporters care to know that Umar is actually this stupid, but I'm sure that the state of Pennsylvania and perhaps the FBI care.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


  1. Replies
    1. Not only is he crazy, this is highly unethical to be in his role as a "psychologist" during "counseling" sessions talking about that he's looking for "wife resumes." It seems rather predatory.

      I also question if recording these 'counseling' sessions is ethical.


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