Narcissism 301

Well, well, well...Umar's narcissism is on full display in front of the world.  The question you see it?  If you don't, let me show you.

Example One -- Umar Thinks You Are Stupid

In one lecture, Umar rails against professional sports leagues like the NFL and the NBA, even to the point of saying he would abolish them if he could.  Yet, he sports Philly sports teams' gear regularly.

Exhibit 1

Exhibit 2

This contradiction is happening right in front of you and you do not see it.

Example Two -- Umar Thinks You Are Not Worthy of Respect

This is more serious...Black people are trifling ass because we didn't give him $2 million dollars after 6 months of fundraising for a fictitious school, compared to those who supported Darren Wilson, the officer who shot Michael Brown.  Wilson supporters came up with $300,000 in 3 weeks for Wilson's defense.  And if we didn't like it, he was willing to "take it outside."

Does he look like he can "take it outside"?

He throws other people in Black people's faces, i.e. Jewish people, as models of behavior because we are too individualistic and unable to put petty differences aside, like others.

So, this man who is supposedly our "Prince" of Pan-Africanism, cannot even say "thank you" for your donations?


Example Three -- Umar Can Lie to You and Get Away with It

Umar lied to the people on the Roland Martin radio program about abstaining from sex, which was stupid because it was a lie he didn't have to tell.  Then when, Khym Ringgold, the so-called Conscious Stripper, came out to say he was lying, you attacked her and defended him.

Example Four -- Umar Does Not Respect You

Poor Umar.  It bothers him that he has to prove and defend his credentials to the "Facebook, dusty, hotep, shea-butter assed Negros" when, according to him, his credentials don't matter.

Hell to the yes, his credentials matter.  OF COURSE, his credentials matter.  He claims he wants to start a school.  He wants people give money to him.  And he wants people to send their children to him.  So, YES, YES, AND MANY TIMES, YES, his credentials matter.

But he says the community and the parents of these children should not WANT to know what his credentials are and if he's qualified to run a school?  Man, please...

Example Five -- Umar Is Hypocritical

How is it that he can get online and call people, including our young people, "shiftless," "spoiled," and "lazy" when he gives so-called "counseling sessions" laying in bed, and sometimes, eating in bed.

What professional does this?

Example Six -- Umar Has Apologists No Matter What He Does

And yet, some of us continue to defend him, and give him money, no matter what he says or does.

Dr. Boyce, please stop making excuses for Umar...

Oh, my people, my people...when are you going to decide enough is enough...

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


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