You'll Need a Knee-High Pair of Boots...

Umar, goodness, you are doing way too much with this one.  I wonder if you actually listen to yourself.

Family, if you can hold your lunch through this hamtrosity, listen to this.

But, if you don't think you can, below is a summary.


After discussing his theories on the murders in Chicago, he thanks his haters for the free publicity.  He is so thankful for the dusty, hotep Negroes that he is going to have a banquet to give his "haters" awards, including:
  • Hater of the Year
  • Hater of the Month
  • Top Media Hater
  • Top Character Assassination Hater
  • Top Fundraising Hater
  • Top Doctoral Degree Hater
Yes, the list above is a direct quote.

Never mind that it was UMAR who brought mess onto himself.

This leads us to his GoFundMe account and why it was temporarily frozen.  Of course it was because 'haters' wrote into GoFundMe saying that he is a fraud, that he's spent the donation money and he's not related to Frederick Douglass, among other things.  So, Umar had to provide to GoFundMe the following:

  • Evidence that he still has the money
  • Evidence that he is building a school
  • Evidence of his credentials
  • Evidence if his relationship to Frederick Douglass

Umar then says he provided GoFundMe copies if his FDMG account ledger, information from his bank, including contact information, as well as proof if his credentials, and proof of his relationship to Frederick Douglass, which makes me wonder two things:
  1. Has Umar found any birth certificates, marriage licenses, slave records, or DNA test results?
  2. If he has this evidence stored electronically, which he would likely have to have had to send to GoFundMe, why not show it on his website(s)?
Interestingly enough, he seems to have no problem giving this information to GoFundMe, but not to his supporters, some of the same supporters he's memed, blocked, denigrated, name-called and so on.

Remember this gem to Dr.Boyce Watkins?

Isn't it strange to you all that Umar, the Prince of Pan-Africanism, immediately complied with white-owned corporate GoFundMe yet called Black people who asked the same questions 'trifling,' 'dusty,' and 'haters'?  I wonder if he even considered telling GoFundMe that they shouldn't question him, after all, because he is a 'prince' with a 'title' who is sitting on a 'throne'?

Anyways...Umar claims that GoFundMe apologized and explained to him that "your people" were contacting them with their concerns.  'Trifling Negroes' strike again.

However, as it seems with a lot of things around Umar, there isn't any proof his of correspondence with GoFundMe.

OH, the IRS contacted him, too, and completed an investigation in 24-48 hours.

Let's move on...

Shame on the 'haters' for doing this but it has made him more resolute to create a 'heaven on earth' for Black boys, which sounds like 'messiah' talk to me.

I long as the boys are melenated enough...


Umar says he looked at a school in Atlanta.  Even though he filmed only the outside, he says he went inside with the seller.  He goes on to describe the inside as well as the outside.  Once again, we have only Umar's word to go on.

He's also made an appeal for electricians, plumbers, structural engineers and other tradespeople who can help him assess the school in Atlanta.

He's also looking at schools in Detroit, North Carolina, South Carolina and Delaware.

I wonder why he doesn't have his own team set up for building inspections and the like.

Starting Small

How dare people suggest that Umar start a small school.  Asking Umar to start small, according to him, is setting low expectations for our children and we don't really care about our children, especially when:

  • We spend $9 billion a year on perms and weave
  • We spend $2 billion a year on Air Jordans
  • We spend $4 billion a year on alcohol
  • We spend 3 times as much on Mercedes Benzes as whites
  • We spend billions on Christmas

He's a nation-builder, in case you didn't know.  He's doing guerilla Garvey-ism, so small isn't good enough for him.

Move On

Umar further lets us know that if we don't like Umar, what he's doing, or how he's doing it, we need to just move on.  Just stop asking him questions, stop asking him for explanations, stop demanding that he be accountable for his actions and behavior.

Stop Being Jealous of Umar

You dusty, hotep, trifling Negros, just admit you called GoFundMe, the IRS, and his universities because y'all are jealous of Umar.


Because you aren't him.  AND because you can't admit that you really love and appreciate Umar but your trifling ass can't bring yourself to admit it.

A great man said that jealousy and envy is nothing more than negative admiration and adulation.

What great man said that?

He's Doing Us A Favor

Umar, with his six, count 'em, SIX degrees, could have gone somewhere, work for someone else, and make millions of dollars.  Instead, he decided to work to save Black people.  Who sent him on this mission to save us?

The ancestors... that more messiah talk we're hearing?


Umar goes on to maintain that he is a humble person who is here to fulfill a mission given to him by the ancestors.  Speaking of the ancestors, Umar says they sent him on a mission to 'save' Black people, which he humbly accepts, since it was the ancestors, the cosmos or some higher power who caused his parents to get together to produce, him, Ifatunde (God has returned).

Yeah...because he is so humble.  Oh, really?

DAMN...the narcissism.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


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