It's Jealousy...Really Umar?
Jealousy v. Envy
Jealousy, according to Psychology Today, is an emotional reaction to a real or perceived threat to one's, usually, romantic relationship. Jealousy is different from envy in that jealousy is 'I have something that I think you want and that I think you're coming after;' and envy is 'I want what you have.' (From:
Everyone, at some point in his or her life, has experienced jealousy or envy, or have been the target of another person's jealousy or envy. There is nothing unusual here. For instance, I can be jealous of a woman who I think wants my boyfriend, or that I think my boyfriend finds attractive, although I don't know any of this for a fact.
Umar is claiming that people who are questioning his credentials, his intentions, what he's doing with the donation money and so on are jealous of him. Why? What is the relationship that Umar has with the people who are questioning him?
Never mind that the questions being asked are perfectly legitimate and that Umar can easily answer to or prove, with facts and information. Yet he has not.
Among the people who Umar claims are jealous or envious of him are:
Ken Morris--a relative of Frederick Douglass
Tarance Bailey--a relative of Frederick Douglass
Both of these men have a relationship to Frederick Douglass, the same relationship that Umar claims. So, theoretically, there shouldn't be any competition. Ah...but there is. Mr. Morris and Mr. Bailey can prove their relationship with records and DNA. Umar, to date, has not.
Projection, as a psychological term, is a behavior that displaces one's own unwanted feelings and thoughts onto others (from: For instance, I can become angry with my boyfriend because I think he is cheating on me, when in reality, I am cheating on him.
Umar is projecting his own jealousy of Ken Morris and Tarance Bailey onto them, because they are proven relatives of Frederick Douglass. Umar wants to be a relative of Douglass, and therefore because Umar is, in his own mind, competing with them, he is projecting his own jealousy onto them.
Mr. Morris nor Mr. Bailey are competing with Umar. They don't have to.
What Umar is describing is more akin to envy which is wanting something that someone else has. Envy would not apply to either Ken Morris or Tarance Bailey, because, if Umar is correct, they all have the same thing -- being a relative of Frederick Douglass. So of what does Umar think Mr. Morris or Mr. Bailey would be envious?
Envy and the 'Conscious' Speaking Circuit
According to Umar, anyone, especially those who are on the 'conscious' speaking circuit, i.e. Seti and others who dare question him about his credentials, claims or activities is likely envious, because they want to be Umar. And that actually may be true, because, (get ready for this, folks), they are envious of Umar's ability to hustle, trick, and bamboozle you out of more of your money than they are.
You are their prey and they are the hunters.
That is all it is, people.
Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel
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