Holding People Accountable

From:  http://myemail.constantcontact.com/Holding-People-Accountable.html?soid=1104247795966&aid=38V3dqWA9b0

Did Umar Johnson Commit "Professional Suicide" Or Did He Trick All of Us
to Gain Even More Funds

Responses from Light-Skinned Women and the Conscious Community

by Syndicated Columnist Cathy Harris, DearCathy.com

Jan. 14, 2017

You guessed it I am one of the "light-skinned" women responding in this e-newsletter to Umar Johnson's rant.  Other responses follows this article.

Like always in my articles and my books at AngelsPress.com, I conduct extensive research on relevant and timely topics so all of you have to do is read them, because I have already conducted the research for you.

I feel shameful to have to write this article a few days before we celebrate the birthday of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. but when issues affects the black community, these issues affects all of us.  (I am) hard at work with clients in my consulting business, working on my latest book "Overcoming Food Deserts:  Why You Need To Form A Home Garden, Community (School) Garden, Food Co-op Or Food Coalition" and on my New Year's e-newsletter, which has taken over my entire thought pattern.  (I am) a mother of two daughters, a protector, a business woman, a columnist, a former activist and advocate, a veteran, a former whistleblower.

If Umar Johnson is using his network to solicit sex from mothers of kids that he is suppose to be helping, kids who have been victimized by the school system, like many of these youtubers are stating then "Houston, we have a problem."

It's a few days after New Year and I know a lot of you are asking -- well, why is she even responding to what happened during the holidays with Umar Johnson, since it is really not relevant?

But as you keep reading this article, not only will you find out the relevancy of it but once Umar Johnson asked for these public donations, then he put himself under scrutiny by the entire black community, which means we have a right to hold him accountable and his life is not an open-book, whether he realizes it or not.

When I first watched the videos above, since they were so, so unprofessional, as a professional Speaker, Author and Coach myself, I had no idea I would respond to what happened because at the time I was hard at work working with clients in my consulting business, working on my latest book "Overcoming Food Deserts:  Why you need To Form a Home Garden, Community (School) Garden, Food Co-op for Food Coalition" and on my New Year's e-newsletter, which had taken over my entire thought pattern.

My goal  was to put out some great information, that was positive form my readers for the New Year, so they could go into the New Year with action plans, which I accomplished.  Therefore the Umar Johnson fiasco was just a blimp to my radar.

But now before going on to another project, I felt as a mother of two daughters, a protector, a business woman, a columnist, a former activist and advocate, a veteran, a former whistleblower -- who challenged my job on the treatment of African American women international travelers, the author of "How to Raise Smart, Talented and Responsible Children," author of the "Workplace Survival Guide," and "Discrimination 101,:" the founder of "The Essential Women's Movement" and as a "light-skinned" sister, I had to educate my audience on the bigger issue at hand - the exploitation of black women.  Exploitation means the combined, often varied, use of public relations and advertising techniques to promote person, movie, product, etc.

What Actually Happened Holiday Season  - 2016

First let's look at the "Elephant in the Room." Around the holidays 2016, Umar Johnson, a supposed Professional School Psychologist, when off with a "street thuggish" attitude on another youtuber, some guy who calls himself "General Seti."  Umar was obviously angry and unprofessional in how he handled the situation but we also need to realize that when people are "angry" or "drunk" the truth will come out of them.

Umar Johnson, supposedly a "certified" "clinical" school psychologist and former school principal, who has had a GoFundMe.com account which many are calling nothing put a "money pit," (a whole in which money is hidden) to build a school for black boys for a couple of years.  Supposedly, he is asking for $5 million dollars.

The video is at the top of this e-newsletter or just go on youtube.com and put in the words "Umar Johnson's rant."  The "insincere" apology from Umar to the black community is also at the top of this e-newsletter and on youtube.com along with a response or or initial comment from "General Seti."

However, I am thinking this was all a ploy, a plot or publicity stunt to increase his audience and of course to increase funds for his gofundme.com account -- so stay with me in my thinking.

If that is indeed not the case, that's why it's always important to sit back and think about what you are about to do before you do it.  Take a night or two (or more) to sleep on it, which he obviously did not do.

"Colorism" is Real Today

Colorism is a prejudice or discrimination against individuals with dark skin tone, typically among people of the same ethnic or racial group.  Colorism in the black community has been a serious emotional and psychological battle for many years.

The issue exists externally of our race, but a lot of it comes within the race itself and our perception or ourselves.  So a lot of these colorism issues are basically "self-hate" of yourself.

Because of what Umar Johnson said in the video, he obviously hates his dark-skinned complexion.  Who knows -- maybe he has been rejected by "light-skinned" sisters int he past and this is why he hates "light-skinned" black people.

He was angry and said some hurtful things, which affected a lot of people.  In this boisterous (unrestrained) video, he insulted all "light-skinned' people and albinos (colorism); short people, as if short men don't have any value; midgets (it truly is considered derogatory the way "n-i-g-g-e-r" is), who would rather be called "little people," which he should know if he is so educated.

Also what about saying that speakers, presenters (or youtubers) who use "powerpoint" presentations are not that smart.  He has used these in the past on his videos, so he is talking about his ownself.  I even know presenters who use powerpoint presentations, who were also offended by his remarks.

As a Speaker myself, sometimes you need to use powerpoints so the audience can see and read material because people, especially black people are very "VISUAL" and that's how they learn.

This affected me personally, not because I have used powerpoints before at some of my events and especially in my webinars, it especially offended me because I am "light-skinned" African American woman.

If my two daughters had been "light-skinned," I really would have been offended.  So I know mothers of "light-skinned" children, especially boys, had to be offended by the comments from Umar Johnson.

I felt as if he verbally threatened this guy to a street brawl like a common thug.  And I am sure other women (and men) also felt like this.  He acted like nothing but a street hoodlum not a professional psychologist.

And I can't see how any of these people fitting any of the above categories or descriptions that he cited in the video, would ever step feet into any of Umar Johnson's events - ever again.  I know I won't -- never attended his events and never will.

Buffoonery At Its Best

Buffoonery is foolish or playful behavior or practice.  Umar Johnson's buffoonery that he put on after Christmas 2015, when he knew that most black families would be tuned in and surfing the internet, would be one of his greatest performances ever.

Again, we have to ask ourselves, was this a "publicity stunt."  Initially, like everyone else, because of the negativity of the video, I could only watch 5 minutes of the video, until I literally had to prepare my mind and go back to it.

I have had the chance now to watch his entire 45 minute video (that he supposedly took down after 12 hours) and also the video of General Seti, a brother that I have never heard of, until this incident.

First of all my youngest daughter and I both watched videos of Umar sometimes on the internet - but not very often.  I basically watched him if someone else forwards his video on facebook but my daughter said she sometimes goes on youtube.com and watch him but she told me before all this latest negativity went down, that she could no longer watch anything that he said because it was too "negative."

Like Umar, she too is an educator but her response was, "The brother is never uplifting and because of that I can no longer watch him."  People who are always negative do nothing but tear away the soul of the people and these are the types of people you need to get ways and stay away from -- the naysayers, doom and gloom people.  You can see them coming a mile away.

Think about it -- even though Umar might have put out some major points in the past, as a speaker myself, there is a way of delivering your speech or talk to your audience that will "uplift" instead of "tear down" and despite being a "so-called" psychologist, Umar Johnson, has not mastered that yet.  Plus my daughter is an empath, which means she can physically tune in to the emotional experience of a person so she especially have to watch who she is around.

It wasn't that hard to conduct research and realize that I needed to also respond to what happened.  I basically watched the three videos (the rant, the apology, and video from Seti), teleconference and a few other videos -- then I browsed comments on facebook and a few responses and a few responses and comments from folks on youtube.com.

So don't think the entire incident embroiled me to the point where it took over my life because it didn't.  I agree with most folks.  The incident was more "comical" than anything else.  However, it could and should be very serious because of the group of people that he attacked in the video and also if he is truly exploiting these vulnerable black women that go to him for help with their children and families.

Umar was suppose to be a professional but he allowed this guy, General Seti, to get under his skin -- to make him look unprofessional on camera so how can he, as a psychologist, work with clients in a professional setting, if he can't control his own emotions?  The answer is -- he can't!

And everyone knows once you put something out there on social media, good luck getting it back.  It's out there forever, for the world to see, despite Umar filing any type of copyright against the creators on youtube.com.  His videos are simply "lost in space."

During the "insincere" apology video, he did nothing but make even more people want to put the "comical" material out there.  Supposedly, he is reaching out to everyone who put these videos out there, to tell them to take the videos down or is he?

Is Umar Johnson Delusional?

An "educator" and a sister from Philadelphia, Umar's hometown, talks about Umar and his work or "lack of work"in Philly and why everyone need to stay clear of him.  The educator also explains why Umar probably don't have any type of degree, which means he doesn't have any credentials to open a school (click here).

First of all, I believe Umar Johnson has a mental health issue and not just a minor issue but a big issue.  Follow me on this because I am not a storyteller but I am a good researcher and I observe many things in my investigations that other people might miss.

My oldest daughter because an occupational therapist because for 10 years she was a cheerleader, which lefter with weak ankles that swell from time to time, so therefore, she chose the career of being an "occupational therapist" to take care of her body.

Ten years ago after becoming housebound and bedridden, when I turned 50 years old, I became a holistic and natural healer, and was able to heal my ownself and realized that holistic living would truly allow me to stay healthy and live the type of live I want to live.

So it it too "far-fetched" to think that Umar Johnson because a psychologist because he himself has mental health issues?  I think not.  Umar addresses himself in the 3rd person, which I have never heard anyone do in my life, maybe unless you are in a mental institute on T.V.  Certainly, other reputable psychologist, don't do this.

Umar Johnson also claims in this videos that he is the "most sought after" in the U.S.  You mean to tell me that more people like this guy better than the likes of Dr. Claud Anderson, who always shows his love and admiration for black folks.

And what about other "reputable" psychologist with a history of extraordinary work in the black communities -- Dr. Julia and Nathan Hare.  I think not.  Again, this guy is delusional!

Don't forget the exceptional work of Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu, a noted author and psychologist, and the foremost authority of black youths, especially black boys.  I have read several books by Dr. Kunfufu and he most certainly is the expert on black boys, especially when it comes to special education and there are several more experts out there in every city.

Even though his school is suppose to be for black boys, Umar has said black girls wearing wigs and weaves, would not be welcomed at his school.

What about the girls who have "alopecia" or have "female pattern baldness" because 5 out of 10 women (and many young girls) are suffering from "female pattern baldness" that's why I wrote my book "My Hair, My Crown, My Glory: A Woman's Guide To Growing Gorgeous Hair."

Why is he demeaning these little black girls, making them feel bad about themselves?  I think he needs to conduct more research before going any further so he can learn all the faces when it comes to black children, especially little girls.

The bottomline is Umar is trying to shame the black community into donating money to him.  I do believe because of this stunt, he now has more people investigating him and who are now able to discover that his guy is total unprofessional and not at all like other "creditable" and "reputable" psychologists in the black community.

Umar demeans and belittles people in his speeches and talks, especially when he talks like he is "Above the Law."  How are you going to stand in front of a black audience and demand that they give you money and then call them "trifling black people" at the same time because they did not donate funds to you?

And then he said if they don't donate funds to him, they can take it outside -- like a street hoodlum.  This is straight out intimidation, used in many workplaces all over American, by corrupt bosses, supervisors and managers.  Trifling stand for "very little importance or worthless."  He is calling black folks worthless, if they don't donate money to him?

This is not only intimidation but "bullying" at its finest.  Not just bullying but "narcissistic bullying."  Narcissistic means having an undue fascination with oneself or being vain.  Sounds like Umar - right?

Ego Too Big

Umar Johnson has a very big ego with a superiority complex and thinks he is better than everyone else.  He refers to himself as the "King King of the Consciousness Movement."  However, after the video rant many are calling him nothing but a "pimp preacher" and "hotep hustler" (RIGHT PLAN - WRONG MAN).

He is so full of himself - no doubt.  He constantly uses the words "I" and "Me," instead of "We" and "Us" -- so is this school for black children or for him.  Again, this is all about prestige for him,

He constantly made the statement that he got calls from dignitaries about his initial video.  And he calls himself the "Prince of Pan Africanism" but no one from the community named him that, so he wants everyone to treat him like some type of prince or dignitary.

Instead of being a "professional" certified, clinical psychologist, he carried himself like an "unorganized" Pan African activist instead.  In Atlanta I was part of the Pan African movement so those of you who commented that women are treated "less than" in the movement if wrong.

Do you seriously believe that I would have been with a group that treated women unfairly?  I think not.  I left the group because like most black organizations and groups, they were "unorganized."  Most of them don't answer texts, emails or phone calls, and again that is my "Pet Peeve."

Most of these groups believe in "Meeting to Be Meeting."  They just want to sit across the table from each other and look at each other but with all this technology today, with teleconference calls and videos, there are many other ways that black folks need to meet.

However, so many black folks are so paranoid that the government is listening in on them, so they rather meet in public in person but many times there are "double agents" also at those meetings.  So today it's hard to get way from the government spying on you but don't let that stop you from doing what you need to do.

I am not a black mother to sons -- I have daughters.  Most black folks know that many mothers will make the statement to their sons, "Boy You Are Too Big for Your Britches."

If someone is too big for their britches, it means they are "conceited" and "have an exaggerated sense of their own importance."  In most families we also call it - having a "big head" for someone who thinks they are all that.

Not only is Umar very charismatic and a good speaker, but an orator.  An orator is a public speaker, especially of great eloquence, so they know how to use the English language.

Not only are they good at speaking and talking but they are also good at debating.  So this can intimidate many people, especially if they are introverts.

I call them "word whisperers," like Michael Eric Dyson, who tries to pull words out of the air that most people don't even know what they are saying half the time.  Sometimes they really get disrespectful and try to "talk over people" or they get "diarrhea of the mouth" and can't shut up.

Only 60% of black students will graduate from school in some areas and over 60% of students who graduate from high schools today, is reading at a 6th grade level.  Most read at levels 4 or 5 grades behind.

If you are going to help the black community, then you need to "get on their level" and "speak the language of the people."  What our grandmothers or "old folks" would say about Umar -- is that he's a "smooth talker."

The kind that mothers and fathers warns their daughters to stay away from.  So if he is using the "black consciousness movement" to solicit dates, from these fragile, frustrated black women, he needs to be exposed.

Was It A Plot to Receive More Donations?

I think Umar Johnson has bit off more than he can chew.  His stunt (video) backfired and did nothing but make look like a "Bull in a China Shop" - completely out of control.

All the events on his website is from 2012, 2013 and 2014 (old events), so why doesn't he update his website?  He bragged about the fact that he doesn't have a youtube.com page, that his stuff is SO GOOD that everyone else forwards it all over the place.

Do you seriously believe that any business owner today, especially a person trying to solicit 5 million dollars from the public to start a school for black boys, would not have a youtube.com page - think again?  Plus some of these feeds on youtube.com that he does is live and going right to his page.  When he gave this video with the "insincere" apology on it, he called out some guy in order to get everyone to go to that page (a certain youtube.com page) to see who and what he was talking about and when I went to the page -- "low and behold" all his events, along with his apology, are posted there along with the weblinks for his gofundme.com and his website (60,000,000.00 views) -- so this is his youtube.com page.

So as a psychologist this guy is doing nothing more than running a game on everyone.  He is doing nothing but lying to everyone.  They say he travels around the country with a guy that does his filming so this is also probably the same person who is posting all the videos on this youtube.com page.

I know how the speaking world works, and sometimes it might take one speaker to expose another speaker.  Speaking in front of audience is a little like acting or putting on a community play.  The goal is to get the audience engaging with what you have to say.

Also as a Speaker, I know it is easy to fake events.  All you need is someone to do a flyer with an address.  Then you can go somewhere, anywhere, and stand in front so a podium with a microphone, even in y our own home, and say you were some place else.  He loves to talk so half the time he is just sitting somewhere...even in an empty auditorium, an office, a hotel and home - just talking.

Next year, August 2018, is the date that Umar said he was trying to open his school, so he come up with a plot or publicity stunt, to call this guy out, Seti, to gain national attention, then come back on youtube.com a few days later with a video with an apology, and send everyone to a certain page, where all his info would be listed.  However, if people are smart, like me, surely they have also figured this out.  You don't have to be that smart to see what he did.

Is Umar a Whistleblower?

Is Umar a whistleblower?  No - check him off the whistleblower list because he is not a whistleblower.

A whistleblower is a person who exposes mismanagement, abuses of authority, prohibited personnel practices, fraud, wast and other acts of corruption, which affects the health, safety and welfare of an entire nation.

Umar said that gay men are adopting black boys all over the country.  Just because you are gay and adopting black boys, doesn't mean you are abusing them sexually.  Many times it might mean that you want to be a father.

I am sure that black kids are easier to foster or adopt, especially to white couple with money and many gay couples have deep pockets, because they don't have kids.  And don't forget that many of these kids (girls and boys) are also raped and molested in foster care or by adopted parents, who are not gay.

Sometimes, this might be better than growing up in foster care or a group home, where they throw you out at age 18, without any life skills and tell you to fend for your ownself.

And because of this, many of the girls (and boys) end up in prostitution.  However, if he is trying to blow the whistle on this, then he needs some proof such as pictures, documents or some type of records to prove this.

Whisleblowing is nothing that you can prove overnight.  It's took me years to come forward as a whistleblower and gather my evidence (proof) to take to Congress, Senate and the media (Black Press - NNPA.org) to expose U.S. Customs Service on how they were violating black women international travelers by subjecting them to abusive pat-downs, humiliating strip searches and prolonged detentions that lasted for up to 4 days, just to make more overtime money.

Only 1% of whistleblowers are ever successful but to be a whistleblower, you have to be "humble" (courteously respectful).

It's more than just being humble but your life has to be an "opened book."

If you want the black community to support you, you can't do anything in "secrecy" as a "whistleblower," especially not being transparent with any funds donated by the community to you.

You also can't be arrogant, with a big ego and go around saying things such as "I am the most sought-after speaker in the U.S."  So there is no way Umar Johnson is a whistleblower!

What he is saying about gay men would fall under "Children Protective Services" or "Child Welfare," which is ran by the state, so if he is trying to blow the whistle on this this, he needs to take it to Congress, Senate and the black media and get the laws changed that "Gay men cannot adopt black boys."

He is not willing to do that because he said in his videos and on radio shows time and again that he doesn't partner with anyone so he is not willing to work with the black media or sit down with black leaders to expose this, but he rather spend his time, demanding that the black community give him money to open a school with anyone knowing who he really is.

Finished With Beggars

Personally, this year, 2017, I am finished with beggars.  Even though I think whistleblowers should have crowdfunding sites set up to receive funds, especially when they expose some type of atrocity affecting black people and many times, especially today, these sites are set up when someone transitions, and the family don't have the funds for burial.  So sometimes these sites are necessary.

For the past few years, Umar Johnson have pleaded with the black community to give him enough money to start a school for black boys so he put up a crowdfunding site to do this.  But there has been no transparency with the money that has been donated through the gofundme.com account from over 9,000 people so far.

You can't ask people to donate money to you without having some type of accountability to them.  He has admitted openly his in videos, that he DO NOT PARTNER with anyone - PERIOD, so who are the people that will be working with him on this venture?

Anytime a caller calls in to one of the radio shows that he is on and ask him is he working with accountants, he tells the radio hosts and producers to hang up on the callers, because again, he thinks he is too good to answer questions from people who are below him, which in his mind is -- everyone.

Doing things in private make you do nothing but look guilty?  Personally, I am finished with people who beg for money through these gofundme.com and paypal.com accounts.

Last year I heard from several groups on facebook.com that I was trying to support -- not just financially but help them highlight what they were doing through my large network on the internet.

They asked me several times to donate funds, even a small amount.  I felt these groups were doing nothing but begging for money to pay their bills.  The webistes did not have a "mission" or "vision statement," so I asked them to put out "press releases" so people could see what they were doing or attempting to do, however, they never responded back.

When they did respond back, again, I knew they wanted these funds to pay their bills so I removed myself from their groups.  The first thing you see when y ou go to these beggars' websites are DONATE BUTTONS or GOFUNDME.com pages.

Many don't have legitimate phone numbers or other contact information on their websites but yet they are not afraid to ask you for money even these non-profit organizations ran by black folks.  And this is why black folks should never start a non-profit, because it will do nothing but turn you into a "beggar."

You see blacks trying to start credit unions with typos in every paragraph.  You go back on the website 3 to 6 months later and the typos are still there and they are still begging for money.  No on in their right minds will join a credit union, with typos in every paragraph on their literature, especially on their websites.

So these gofundme.com Indiegogo.com, and other crowdunding sites (and paypal.com) have done nothing but make it easier for black people to beg for money.

And like Dr. Claud Anderson said, the author of "Powernomics," if black people don't do what they need to do by the year 2015, then it's already too late and most black folks will either turn into a "beggar" or "criminal," and this is what we are seeing happening today but many people have put blinders on and pretend it's not happening.  2017 should be about speaking the truth, if we are ever going to turn black communities around.

Soliciting Marriage Proposals Through 'UnProfessional' Teleconferencing Calls

This was the first Umar Johnson teleconference call that I had seen and heard but supposedly these takes place on a weekly basis.  I have conducted many teleconferences myself so I know exactly how they work.

However, I thought I had seen everything but on Umar Johnson's Jan. 3, 2017 Parent Teleconference call, I have to mention that I saw "first-hand" adn what I was very, very uncomfortable with.

Why I had a problem with Umar teleconference call:

  1. Half way through the conference call, he came right out and said it's NATION BUILDING TIME and that is ready to get married and that the callers can send him their resumes so he could see if they were a "potential mate" for him.  so he is using these "so-called" FREE "Professional/Unprofessional" teleconference sessions to pick up dates.  This has got to be some type of "ethics violation" of the "Psychology" industry if he truly is a "Professional Clinical Psychologist" as he claims.  Before he made the statement, he said everyone else is doing it...Just because everyone else is doing it that way, it doesn't mean it is the right way.  You don't have to conduct your business like everyone else.  If everyone else was jumping off a cliff, would you jump off a cliff?  There has to be "checks" and "balances" in any profession.  I think the biggest problem is Umar Johnson has a problem Africanism (which is nothing but activism work) with this professional title of "Clinical Psychologist." You can't try to solicit a wife if you are working as a "clinical psychologist" on a weekly teleconference call.  I don't care how "generic" or "routine" the phone calls are.  He is walking a really "fine line" -- a slippery slope.  These women are calling in for help with their children and families, not to be solicited as a potential mate for marriage.  I don't care if he is speaking on "Relationships," it is unprofessional to try to solicit a partner if you are representing yourself in a psychological "clinical setting."
  2. Umar Johnson addresses all these vulnerable women on these teleconferences by calling them "Sister, Queen, Goddess, Sweetheart and Love,"  I wrote 3 books on workplace discrimination and filed 10 workplace complaints including a Whistleblower and Sexual Harassment complaint.  First of all he should not be addressing any of these women in this fashion, if you are a "Professional clinical Psychologist."  If he were a "White Psychologist" doing this, then brothers would be in an uproar.  You cannot call these women  - Sweetheart and Love in this type of setting if he is acting as a "clinical" psychologist on these teleconference calls.  Again he can't separate his Pan Africanism from his "professional psychology field" (if he indeed have a degree) and so far everything he does reaps of "unprofessional" -- like using profanity in his videos -- a man who wants to open a school for black children but yet he uses profanity -- often.  Pan Africanism brothers call women Sister, Queen, and Goddess -- but husbands, boyfriends and significant others refer to women as "Sweetheart and Love."  Not only does he needs to be brought up before some professional ethics board but he needs regular "Sexual Harassment" training.
  3. He gives out his cell phone number to every caller and says he only charges $50 for consultations after the teleconference calls but is he exchanging sex for FREE consultations?
  4. he is announcing his events and telling women to meet him a day before or after the events in these cities and again is this how he is picking up dates?
  5. He uses profanity on the phone calls (and videos), for instance, telling a mother that her son needs to get his "ass" back in school.
  6. He tells all the women (every caller) to text him and he will give them the phone number for the "Association of Black Psychologists."  But anyone can find this info out by googling it and why don't he have this number in front of him to give it out at that particular time.  Then after telling several women this, then he finally gave out their contact info, which was (301)449-3082, email:  info@abpsi.org, so their website is www.ABPIS.org.  If he is part of this group and they are condoning his behavior, then they need to be looked into.  You can bet someone from this professional group know if Umar Johnson is indeed certified, clinical school psychologist.  Do psychologists have mandatory "continuous" training after they receive their degrees?  Is any of this training on "sexual harassment."  There are just some of the questions the black community should be asking.
  7. Women are calling him telling him they don't have a man in their life and asking about getting help for their sons but all these personal phone calls needs to be "confidential," not even in a teleconference setting and especially not on youtube.com.  Why is he recording everything that he does and put it on youtube, again as a "clinical psychologist, this has to be a violation of "ethics" rules in the Psychology industry.
  8. He openly eats foods such as nuts, cookies and apples, while filming the teleconference, along with brushing his hair and mustache.  Why film teleconferences if you are going to sit there and eat with a mouth full of food, while you speak to these women.  Not only is he not showing these women any respect, he is disrespecting his ownself.  All of this shows "unprofessionalism" especially for someone who claim they are a "Professional Psychologist."

Ethics Violations In the Psychology Industry

Also Umar has an "Independent Parent's Association" group that is probably filled with even more vulnerable women (and girls), who need to be educated on how to handle men, especially when they use the "black consciousness movement" to address them as "Queens" but at the same time, all they want to do is get next to them.

When I became a whistleblower, my job retaliated against me by forcing me to go and see a Psychiatrist, Psychologist and Mental Health Specialist so I am very familiar with all of these fields.

When you are in the workplace, if you ever do anything out of the ordinary, even momentarily, your boss would intervene his boos would, so where is the accountability in this industry?  He is a psychologist - supposedly "certified" clinical Psychologist but I will never refer to him as a Dr. (Doctor) again.  One person wrote the below comments and posted on youtube.com and I think everyone should also demand these.

Response On YouTube.com to Dr Umar outburst:
I used to support him.  His last video was asinine.  He referred to us as "Triflin A@@ Trolls because we stop supporting him.  A so called Dr (Doctor) calling a real Dr. triflin?  I did the research.

So please provide the following information:

  1. A copy of your Dr. degree with your full birth name.
  2. A copy of your license with your full birth name.
  3. Who sat on your committee?
  4. What was your Methodology/Research Design?
  5. What states are you qualified to practice?
  6. What name is your license listed under?  Is it the same on your driver licensed?
  7. You do know your license will be revoked for the last video you posted?
  8. You can be sued for claiming to be a licensed therapist and providing counseling services without a license.  If you are legit prove it.  I'm man enough to say that I'm wrong.  It should take long to prove or validate your "credentials."

Community "Codes" and "Principles"

Umar Johnson spoke of having Seti sit down with elders to create a type of "codes of standards" or "principles" that the black community need to live by.  I do believe the black community need a "set of codes" and "principles" for everything we do.

This is why I came up with the codes for "The Essential Women's Network" listed in my last e-newsletter.  I think it's a good idea, but he should be the first person that he council look into.

And who is this council that he was trying to bring Seti before, a group of older persons (or his outspoken elder friends), who have been "inactive' in the community for years, but yet they want to ride gunshot over someone's life - maybe?

If you don't have a total love for black folks, if you don't have a life full of service and gratitude, then you are not an elder.  I am 60 and I am clearly an elder, with a life full of service, gratitude and a great love for black folks.

Like many others in the past, I have reached out to the brother, but like most black folks, especially business owners, they will never return a text, email or phone call.  This is because many are too "unorganized" and others just think they are too good to respond back to you.

Whatever the reason, I am so glad, this guy never responded back to me.  My angels were truly keeping him away from me.  I don't want this guy anywhere in my circle of friends or acquaintances.

Road to Nowhere

If black people still support Umar Johnson after this fiasco, I think they are doing nothing but getting on a one way freight train to nowhere with him -- a school for black kids -- I think not.

Giving money to Umar Johnson is like giving money to a "wino."  You know all he is going to do is go down to the corner store and buy more wine.

It's now GAME DAY (D-day), which is the middle of his planned attack.  He has about 18 months left before the August 2018 deadline.  He got the exposure he needed with this latest charade, whether it made him look reputable or not.

Over 9140 people have already donated funds to him and the amount at this time is $360,405 on Jan. 14, 2107.  And of course don't forget the PERSONAL DONATIONS (not the GoFundMe.com funds) that he receives directly in the mail to him or is donated to him at his events.

This money most of you will never hear anything about because there is no "financial accountability" in his fundraising.  Remember not everyone is on the internet and many black people rather hand him money at his events or send checks in the mail.

He is telling everyone that so far -- he has received over $600,000.00 in personal checks but chances are it's much more than that.  So where is the transparency on that money?

The black community forgave him for trying to pick up a prostitute, which he had slept with on several occasions, after he told viewers on "TV One on the "Roland Martin Show" that he was celibate.

I don't even know how people found out about that and don't really care.  I think the stripper told everyone he was lying and even shared the text messages between the two of them and supposedly he lost a million dollar donation behind that, after the potential donor googled him and saw the story about the stripper.

Umar Johnson doesn't have any business giving "Relationship Workshops," just because he is a psychologist (supposedly), especially sine he was caught with a stripper and have two different baby mommas and is not married...or carries himself like he is not married or don't have a partner.

And especially after we now know that he uses these teleconference calls to pick up women and chances are he is also using these workshops to pick up women.

What can he really teach black women or men about relationships, especially since he is blaming "single parenting households" for homosexuality.  This can also be used as a ploy to get closer to these single mothers.

He demeans black women and refers to black women as "hoodrats" in his videos, which is definitely not professional and the message he is sending to his audience, is that these women are not worth saving.

The black community gave Umar a pass on the stripper incident, now look at this "unprofessional" rant that went on for almost 45 minutes.  Even a drunk man would have to known to throw the phone down and stop recording at some point.

And listen to the ring tone (music) he had on his phone on the video -- something about "whores"???  Now ask yourself, would a professional "clinical" psychologist really walk around with this ring tone?

What's next -- more victimization of our women and children by Umar Johnson?  The big picture here is did he get into this particular field to put himself in a position to become a "womanizer" and pick up these vulnerable women, who have kids who have been victimized by the school system.  And do he even have a license to practice clinical psychology?

After the unprofessional teleconference call, I think he has used his business from day one to work his way into a position to pick up these women, which make him nothing but a "sexual predator" which is a term used to describe "anybody who obtains sexual contact via less-than-honest means."

Supposedly, Umar is a father of two daughters by two different women, so he has a large child support to pay, so are the funds for the gofundme.com page and all the "personal donations" in cash and checks -- paying for this and all his traveling and fancy hotels?

What Black Women Need To Do Now

Black women need to stop being used by these 'so-called' individuals or leaders, who is only looking out for themselves.  Stop dealing with people who can take advantage of you because of your vulnerable position.  Being a single parent is not a crutch or excuse for not taking care of your family.

If you are seeking relationship info seek out "legitimate" counselors and family therapist, but try to get recommendations from doctors or other "reputable" individuals in the community.

I have a very good friend out of Atlanta, Dr. Joyce Morley Ball, who is not just a "mental health therapist" but also an "Educational Consultant" and is known as "The Love Doctor" but she doesn't mix her professional side of her business with her personal side and she is also the mother of 3 daughters so if you are seeking to work with an "educational consultant" then seek her out.  She has even appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show as a marriage consultant.

Conduct your own research by:

  1. Use google.com, yahoo.com and youtube.com, which are the 3 largest search sites on the internet.
  2. Get back in libraries because "research librarians" has all the info you need on any topic.
  3. Every book in America is on Amazon.com and they have tons of FREE ebooks so buy a kindle ($55) and start reading to conduct research.
  4. Read all the books by Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu, a noted author and psychologist, on black boys to see what you are up against in the school system.
  5. Start your own meetup.com group and network and share information with other women, mothers, in your community (such as a "Black Moms Meetup.com).
  6. Work with "educational consultants."  Families, especially single women, can receive advice and referrals from "educational consultants," who can be current and former employees of the school system including school principals, assistant school principals, school counselors, school teachers, retired educators/school teachers and other members of the school system, including school board members and PTA.org members, especially their officers, etc.

Many of these "educational consultants work with the placement for students in regards to college education but many can help you maneuver your family through the entire school system.

As a single mother who had to work "mandatory" overtime on my job, I never hardly ever attended school board or the PTA.org meetings because I did not have time, however, I was good friends with officers who sat in these positions and who kept me up to date because not only was a community activist, but I was a "proactive" parent.

You have to let these school officials know tat if you have to come up to the school for any reason, they better have their i's dotted and t's crossed, because you have a community of support around you. They should also feel this way about your representatives (parents or other relatives) that you send to the school in your place.

Just surround yourself with people that can help you watch out for your children and these don't necessarily have to be family members.  I was just not a paying member of the NAACP.org but I worked on the "membership committee" and actively recruited other members to join this group, so they too would have an army of support around them.

Also don't forget that civil groups such as NAACP.org, RainbowPush.org, ACLU.org, etc., have attorneys that can help you maneuver your family through the school system, so always take a civil rights representative or attorney, family attorney, or friend with you when you meet with school officials, who is thinking about moving your children to Special Education, Alternative Schooling, etc.

And always respond back and forth in writing with a "certified letter" to school officials, especially school superintendents, principals and counselors so you will have a "documented trail" of evidence, if they try to harm your child by putting them in Special Education or Alternative Schooling.

Remember that these school counselors do nothing but refer black students to the military instead of colleges and universities that they have scholarship for your students right there in their offices, but only show these to certain 'favorite' students.

You can also form a shield of protection around you and your family by seeking out the guidance and resources from black women's groups such as "The Essential Women's Movement," other women's groups and other groups in black communities.  Remember, it does take a village to raise black children, especially today.

At the end of the day, ONLY YOU will be able to save your children and your family.  It will be totally up to you.

Also remember it will take you, mothers and fathers, being the biggest advocate for your children.  Mostly you will just need to be a PROACTIVE PARENT -- so read my book "How to Raise Smart, Talented and Responsible Children:  Dream Big Dreams" -- which highlights relevant and timely information for raising smart kids today.

I raised two smart, talented and responsible daughters as a single parent, all while working in a "male dominated" industry, where I had to work "mandatory" overtime on my job, and I also moved from city to city, while doing it.  And I did not live around any family members so you can do it too.

Right now this guy, Umar Johnson, is nothing but a distraction in the black community.  So black leaders, black elders, and other black men, need to shut this guy down, especially black men, who have wives, sisters, daughters, aunts, nieces, etc.  With depression being the number one issue that most women face in the workplace, we need to protect black women at all costs.

We have too many issues coming down the pipeline to worry about Umar Johnson.  Recently the state of Missouri, which for many years was called the "highest crime area" in the country, announced that students, especially black boys and girls, will now be charged a felony, just for school yard fighting.

We also have GMOs spreading across the country because of the passage of the Dark Act in July 2016; over 300 new faccinations are coming down the pipeline along with "mandatory" vaccination laws including all men, women, and children, and pregnant women; the 2017 government's microchipping program for the disabled is about to commence; and over 3,000 communities, not 1,000 like we previously reported, have lead higher than Flint, MI, so we know that many of these issues will mostly affect black communities, so Umar Johnson and his train to nowhere, need to disappear off the agenda of the black community - and stay off.

Cathy Harris is an Empowerment and Motivational Speaker, Non-GMO Health and Wellness Expert, Advice Columnist at DearCathy.com, Self-Publishing and Business Coach.  She is also the author of 23 non-fiction books and provides seminars, workshops, webinars and consultations through her speaking and training platforms at http://www.cathyharrisinternational.com and can be reached through her empowerment company, Angels Press, CEO, President, Publisher, P.O. Box 800511, Dallas, TX 75380, Phone:  (512)909-7365, Website:  http://www.AngelsPress.com, Email: info@angelspress.com

Copyright 2017 Cathy Harris.  All Rights Reserved

Light-Skinned Sisters Speak Out Against Rant

Chyna Fox - For Dr. Umar Ifatunde Johnson
A Very Special Message 2016

Umar Johnson's Rant was unacceptable

Why You Shouldn't Be Caught Up in the Dr. Umar Madness - 2016

Let's Hear from the brothers

Umar Johnson Exposed Himself As A Hotep Hustler - 2015
"Right Plan - Wrong Man"

An albino man speaks out about Umar's comments

Umar Johnson vs. Sara Suten Seti


More Youtube Videos on Umar Johnson

WAKE UP AFRICAN PEOPLE Dr. Umar Johnson's Lies and Deceptions

Umar Johnson Is Officially A Fraud #2
Umar is giving out the wrong information to these black mothers and he especially targets black churches and communities where people live below the poverty line

Articles On Umar Johnson

Unanswered Questions About a 5 Million Dollars School for Black Boys

We have a Right and Responsibility to Critique Dr. Umar Johnson

Establishing Immersive Education in the Hood Instead of Letting Dr. Umar Johnson
Get Anywhere Near Our Black Boys

It's Not A Good Idea To Support Dr. Umar Johnson's All-Black Boys Academy
(click here)

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


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