
It's possible that you're in a cult and you may not even realize it.  If you're not sure consider this following short list.


Cult leaders, from different demographic profiles, target groups, do share a few common personality traits. From Jim Jones to Ken Lay (Enron), they have a few characteristics which people often associate with psychopathy and sociopathy (they are different). While, I will not go as far, they do share some traits.

  • Narcissism: They believe themselves. Too much. They think of themselves as the answer to everyone's problems, possessor of exceptional skills, knowledge and talent, and god's gift to humanity. They cannot accept any criticism or people questioning them (emphasis mine). They crave attention, admiration and possess a sense of entitlement to all things in the World.
  • Charisma: They are charming. How do you think, they were able to amass such wide following? Superficial glib charm. They can weave magic with their words and behavior and captivate people into listening to them. They can charm your pants off. They will give you a ride to hell and you will thank them for the ride.
  • Pathological Lying: Boy, can they lie? They create a fantasy world in their minds. They con and deceit people, like it is their job, and end up with no guilt or nagging conscience. They look down upon people and think that their behavior is just fine.
  • They are irresponsible, manipulative, impulsive, lack empathy or capacity to love, and a insatiable hunger for power.

In simple words, they think they are the Shit, and others paper tissues to be used and thrown whenever they feel like.



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