
Showing posts from February, 2019

Umar, Listen to Yourself!

Umar doesn't listen.  He doesn't even listen to himself.  If he did actually listen to himself, he would realize how crazy he sounds.  The reason he sounds crazy, in the colloquial sense, is because he contradicts himself and he says that he can do things that, at least on the surface, are patently illegal. Examples of this are many, varied, and can be found throughout this blog.  However, let's summarize. Discriminatory Practices Umar Johnson wants FDMG to be an independent school, therefore not be subjected to federal law, including laws around discrimination.  What do I mean?  Well... Umar has said that if a woman wears a relaxer or weave, then she wouldn't be eligible to work at FDMG. I've heard Umar Johnson say that if a woman working for FDMG is wearing a hair piece or wig, even during non-working hours , and is seen by a student of FDMG, this 'offense' would subject her to termination. If someone is married to, dating, having sex, had a chil

The Characters of Umar Johnson

Umar Johnson has many characters that he uses, yet he has low character. TrueBlackAnonymous was thinking of the many characters Umar Johnson.  Some are listed below. Dr. Umar Johnson The Prince of Pan Africanism Prince Ifatunde Jermaine Shoemake King Kong of Konsciousness International Ifatunde Big P.O.P.A. Questions, please and thanks.... Which of these characters is going to be teaching children? Which one of these characters is going to be dealing with parents of children? Which one of these characters is creating a school? Which one of these characters thinks that people are too stupid to read a business plan? Which one of these characters refuses to account to people for the thousands of dollars that was sent in donation money? Which of these characters thinks he can decide what 10% of children need to be put to sleep for good? Which one of these characters thinks he can complete a school in six months with donations and volunteers? Can someone who depicts him

Umar Johnson-The One Man Pan African Taliban

Umar Johnson is trying to be the one-man, Pan-African Taliban. That must be it. After all, the Prince of Poopy Pampers , who is now the principal of a bunch of abandoned buildings, believes... He has the right to tell women how to wear their hair.  If a woman isn't wearing her hair in a way that he approves, he has every right to shave her head. He has the right to determine what is 'correct blackness' or 'appropriate blackness'.  If one isn't being Black a way that he approves, he has the right to deem them "coons," "niglets," "maggots," "pigs," and "bedwenches." He has the right to keep a database of pictures of "haters" and pictures of those who agree with his "haters" to keep them from entering his school. He has the right to decide who is Black enough by who questions him, who wants to see proof of his claims, or who disagrees with him. He has every right to dictate t

Crossover Dribble and Head Fake

Okay, good people, here is a little factoid about TrueBlackAnonymous. I used to be a dedicated fan of NBA basketball.  Nowadays, I'm a semi-casual fan of the game.  As a result of learning about and watching NBA basketball, I learned some of the terminology involved in basketball. So, when I saw that Umar Johnson is bringing back an oldie and not so much of a goodie, the first thing that came to my mind is...crossover dribble and head fake. The Crossover Dribble A crossover dribble is when a basketball player quickly moves the basketball from one hand to another.  It's intended to be a deceptive move in order to get the player's defender off track by quickly changing direction. In a metaphoric way, this is what Umar Johnson is doing.  He's using the idea that he's obtained a building in order to convince potential donors, current donors, and most importantly, GoFundMe, that he's doing what he claims he's been doing, that is, building/making/c

The Typical Umarian

Oh goodness, my faithful blog readers.  I have been looking at these Umarians.  What misguided, but well-meaning individuals they are.  These are the people who will say any or all of the following. You didn’t donate. What are you doing for the black community? Where’s your school? Name Calling. Diversionary excuses. Your are just trying to tear another black man down. Black people spend money on alcohol, weave, expensive shoes, etc. Umar doesn’t have enough money to build a school. White supremacy is trying to stop him. It takes time to build a school. From Lenon Honor Typical Umarian Type One One example is of the individual below who thinks it's actually pathetic to question Umar Johnson's actions unless documentation is shown.  Given Umar Johnson's track record of lying about things great and small, who would accept anything that comes out of his mouth on face value?   They are the ones who claim that

Round and Round We Go

Umar Johnson has folks going in circles. Okay. Firstly, Umar Johnson had this rambling long video talking about Khym Ringgold (although he didn't say her name), haters, hotepers, women with perm and weave (while volunteering to shave their heads), tinted windows for his school so people can't look in the windows to see what's happening, along with a 90% vegan menu for the children (while saving him a Philly cheese steak), among other maniacal rantings. Umar is so exhausting. Umar has y'all going in circles! Anyways... It seems that Umar Johnson actually has a building, or a set of buildings.  There is a picture of a deed floating around the Internet. If this deed is legitimate, then it raises more questions than answers in my view. Firstly, how is it that he purchased a property that is allegedly worth $1.2 million dollar property for $10 dollars?  Now that he has this property, how is he going to maintain it? Also, who is on his team for cur


Here are some valid questions coming from the brother, Lenon Honor, regarding Umar Johnson's supposed purchase of a school.  TrueBlackAnonymous believes the following questions are logical and worthy of consideration.  Here they are. Did Umar Johnson show legal proof that he bought the building?  Examples of legal proof would be: Wire Transfer Bill of Sale Closing Documents Inspection Report Appraisal If Umar Johnson is renting the property, he should show: Rental Agreement Lease Proof of Security Deposit Did Umar Johnson show legal proof that he is the owner of the building?  Examples of legal proof of ownership would include: Deed Title If he's renting or leasing, proof would be: Rental Agreement Leasing Agreement Did Umar Johnson say how much he paid for the school?  Proof of how much he paid for the building would include the following: Cancelled check Contract Tax document Cashier's check Withdrawal documents from bank Publ

Don't Believe the Hype

Take a bit of advice from Public Enemy, please. Don't believe the hype ! What hype am I talking about? The idea the Umar Johnson has actually acquired a building, in my view, is a bunch of hype. Umar Johnson claims the has bought a building, or a set of buildings located at 610 - 611 East 17th Street in Wilmington, DE. Okay So, let's look at the records. Exhibit One is the records of recent sales in New Castle County, Wilmington, DE Exhibit One - Recent real estate sales in New Castle County, Wilmington, DE Let's look at Exhibit Two below where we see that the last purchase of this property was in 2017. Exhibit Two - Record of Property Details including Sale History Please look at Exhibit Three below to see who the owner of record is as of today, which appears to be K12 Management . Exhibit Three -- Record of the current owner of the property The exhibit below shows the crime statistics around the area of the building. Exhibit Four

International Ifatunde

TrueBlackAnonymous has been thinking.  I tend to do a lot of that.  Sometimes, expressing my thoughts gets me in hot water.  But I would NEVER be in as much hot water as Umar Johnson. My good, decent, right-thinking and faithful readers, please take a gander at some of the images below. Holland Austria Bahamas China Egypt Jamaica Germany Japan Barbados South Africa Gambia Ethiopia France Thank you for your patience. Now tell me, my smart and faithful readers, what do these pictures have in common? Holland , Austria, the Bahamas , China , Egypt, Jamaica , Germany, Japan , Barbados, South Africa , Gambia , Ethiopia and France , among others, are places where Umar Johnson peddled his bullshit -- and likely collected donations. Once he had his GoFraudMe/GoFundMe campaign, Umar Johnson was able to receive donations from not only the United States, but from all over the world. So, back to what I was th

Oh Happy Day!

YES! YES! YES! Oh, yes, indeed, good, African people, Anti-Fraud Warriors, lovers of truth and justice, and decent, right-thinking people of all varieties, it is a happy day! Wonderful song selection, Sister Anti Afro Svengalis! Why do I say this? Well, good people, it looks like it's time for Umar Johnson to get some comeuppance , courtesy of donors who have finally realized that Umar Johnson is full of shit and courtesy of GoFundMe. GoFundMe is issuing refunds for those who contributed to Umar Johnson's  F amily D a M oney G one (FDMG) campaign for a phantom, non-existent school.  A former supporter let it be known that (s)he contacted GoFundMe after Umar Johnson once again moved the goalpost for the FDMG school, thereby stringing people along . Well it seems that GoFundMe agreed. Hallelujah! YES!  YES!  YES! So, if you donated to Umar Johnson's phony campaign, and if you want your money back, PLEASE, do yourself, not to mention

Did We Feed A Monster?

Here is a real question. It was brought up by Jamal Johnson actually.  And although he spoke of the community "building a monster" in regards to his son, Umar Johnson, in an attempt to absolve himself of responsibility in any part of Umar Johnson's fraud, I think it's a valid question. Firstly, the community did not build a monster.  It's my contention that the 'monster' known as Umar Johnson was already built when he came to our community.  I further believe that Jamal Johnson, either by modeling the negative behavior that Umar exhibits, or by not checking the negative behavior that Umar exhibits, or by not being present as Umar was growing up and exhibiting the negative behavior that we now see manifested. It does stand to reason, after all, because most reasonable people would agree that the behavior exhibited by Umar Johnson isn't something that rears its head suddenly.  The extreme narcissism , the lack of accountability and the lack o

Don't You Do It!!!!!

This is another angle on the same ol' Umarian scam! Don't you dare send Umar Johnson any information about yourselves. Don't you dare send Umar Johnson your debit card number. Don't you dare send Umar Johnson your credit card number. Don't you dare send Umar Johnson your bank routing number. Don't you dare send Umar Johnson a resume. Don't you dare have anything to do with Umar Johnson. Haven't we seen enough of Umar's crap? What else do we need to know about this freaky fool? NOTHING ! This is so stupid! Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel @BLKAnonymous

Umar The Puppet Master -- NOT!

The meme below is so beyond stupid and ridiculous.  Who, if in service of his or her people, would even find it necessary to make himself or herself the "master" of anything. I can't think of one -- except Umar Johnson. Remember, Umar Johnson said , "I'm the one.  I got this. I'm the boss." Sigh....Umar is so exhausting when he's not making a big fool out of himself.  He's  more exhausting when he IS making a big fool out of himself. Anyways... Now think about this.  During what other time in the history of our people in the Western hemisphere  have we, collectively, had words in our vocabulary such as "master" and "boss?" I'll let you all do the math on that. In the meantime, let's ponder this.  Umar Johnson is suddenly interested in finding people who donated to his pretend, phantom, invisible school using PayPal and GoFundMe. Why? Aside from the fact that Umar asking for donors' contact info