Umar, Listen to Yourself!

Umar doesn't listen.  He doesn't even listen to himself.  If he did actually listen to himself, he would realize how crazy he sounds.  The reason he sounds crazy, in the colloquial sense, is because he contradicts himself and he says that he can do things that, at least on the surface, are patently illegal.

Examples of this are many, varied, and can be found throughout this blog.  However, let's summarize.

Discriminatory Practices

Umar Johnson wants FDMG to be an independent school, therefore not be subjected to federal law, including laws around discrimination.  What do I mean?  Well...
  • Umar has said that if a woman wears a relaxer or weave, then she wouldn't be eligible to work at FDMG.
  • I've heard Umar Johnson say that if a woman working for FDMG is wearing a hair piece or wig, even during non-working hours, and is seen by a student of FDMG, this 'offense' would subject her to termination.
  • If someone is married to, dating, having sex, had a child with someone of a difference race, he or she wouldn't be eligible to work at FDMG.
  • If someone falls into the LBGT category, one isn't eligible to work at FDMG.
  • If someone worships the "white Jesus," he or she wouldn't be eligible to work at FDMG.
One wonders how an interview would be conducted such that questions about one's love life, dating life, sex life, marital status (let alone who they are married to), children, and religious beliefs would even come up.

One wonders if the appropriately qualified candidate with a weave or perm would automatically be subjected to Umar and his raging hair clippers.

Umar Johnson wants people who are submitting resumes to submit photos.  One wonders if this is legal.  So TrueBlackAnonymous reached out to various sources and one of my trusty readers gave me this from an online article entitled Should You Attach a Photo to Your Resume.
One question many job applicants naturally ask is, can employers legally require a photo as part of a job application? According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, asking for a photograph before you’re offered a job falls under its Prohibited Employment Policies/Practices: “Employers should not ask for a photograph of an applicant. If needed for identification purposes, a photograph may be obtained after an offer of employment is made and accepted.”
But there are other factors at play when you send in a photo—especially for women. The Social Science Research Network recently found that female job applicants who sent in a resume without a photo had far more callbacks than attractive women who included a photo. Their conclusion: female jealousy of attractive women in the workplace. Conversely, handsome guys who included a photo received more callbacks than men who included no photo. A Forbes article noted that the nation’s HR departments are comprised of over 70% women. So GQ guys, try your luck; ladies, it's a toss up.
Most reputable (and legally savvy) employers will not ask for your photograph. They know that if you’re rejected, you could file a discrimination lawsuit (especially if you’re a member of an ethnic minority or older applicant). To avoid the risk of litigation, they’ll simply toss out your résumé without looking at it. And there goes your chance for an interview.
In other words, an employer could open themselves up to potential discrimination lawsuits if there is a photo attached.  And the applicant, by attaching a photo, could trigger the human resources person by reminding him or her of an "ex" or even a teacher they hated with their hair color, skin color, eye color or anything else about his or her appearance.

Independent Schools

Independent schools own, govern, and finance themselves.  They are governed by independent boards of trustees.  Independent schools are accredited by the same six regional accreditation agencies that accredit public schools, even though public schools are governed by local and state governments.  Independent schools are usually 501(c)(3) organizations.

Since independent schools are self-financing, Umar Johnson's school would have to be 100% tuition supported.  This means that tuition would be rather high.  Umar seems to target single mothers who are likely on government aid.  This begs the question of feasibility.  

In other words, whose mama in the 'hood' who may be on government aid can afford to pay the tuition needed to support a school like FDMG?

According to American FactFinder, the median income in the 19802 ZIP code, which is the ZIP code of the buildings in Wilmington, DE, supposedly acquired by Umar Johnson, is $40,817 per year.  According to Private School Review, the average tuition for private school is $10,665 per year.

Median income information for the 19802 ZIP code

So, for all the things that Umar Johnson claims he wants to do, especially with no monies from local, state and federal government entities due to his stated intention to discriminate on the basis of race, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and perhaps marital status and color (because it's clear that Umar has issues with light-skinned folks), especially with no non-profit status because Umar refuses to be accountable to anyone, including his donors and the IRS for the thousands of donation dollars he's received, and because Umar chose to be in a low income community in which it's highly unlikely that families would be willing to pay 25% of the family's income for school tuition, the question now becomes...


Give the Brother Black Dot a listen.  I'll say up front that I don't agree with everything he says in this video, but I do agree with him that Umar Johnson is mentally ill.

And is Umar a scammer, mentally ill...or both?  I say BOTH!

By the way, one person knew it before we all did.

Jamal Johnson -- Umar's Dad

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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