The Characters of Umar Johnson

Umar Johnson has many characters that he uses, yet he has low character.

TrueBlackAnonymous was thinking of the many characters Umar Johnson.  Some are listed below.
  1. Dr. Umar Johnson
  2. The Prince of Pan Africanism
  3. Prince Ifatunde
  4. Jermaine Shoemake
  5. King Kong of Konsciousness
  6. International Ifatunde
  7. Big P.O.P.A.
Questions, please and thanks....
  • Which of these characters is going to be teaching children?
  • Which one of these characters is going to be dealing with parents of children?
  • Which one of these characters is creating a school?
  • Which one of these characters thinks that people are too stupid to read a business plan?
  • Which one of these characters refuses to account to people for the thousands of dollars that was sent in donation money?
  • Which of these characters thinks he can decide what 10% of children need to be put to sleep for good?
  • Which one of these characters thinks he can complete a school in six months with donations and volunteers?

Can someone who depicts himself as a comicbook superhero be taken seriously?

I'm just saying...

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. Check this out sis...

    1. So, Unknown, what is your point? Please and thank you.


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