Round and Round We Go

Umar Johnson has folks going in circles.


Firstly, Umar Johnson had this rambling long video talking about Khym Ringgold (although he didn't say her name), haters, hotepers, women with perm and weave (while volunteering to shave their heads), tinted windows for his school so people can't look in the windows to see what's happening, along with a 90% vegan menu for the children (while saving him a Philly cheese steak), among other maniacal rantings.

Umar is so exhausting.

Umar has y'all going in circles!


It seems that Umar Johnson actually has a building, or a set of buildings.  There is a picture of a deed floating around the Internet.

If this deed is legitimate, then it raises more questions than answers in my view.

Firstly, how is it that he purchased a property that is allegedly worth $1.2 million dollar property for $10 dollars?  Now that he has this property, how is he going to maintain it?

Also, who is on his team for curriculum, human resources, property maintenance, finance, insurance, and public relations, including student recruitment, parent/guardian relations?  Does Umar Johnson have a Board of Governors or Board of Directors?  Is Umar Johnson aware of the 40-some environmental hazards?

Other thought I have are listed below.
  1. Umar Johnson has purchased the property for $10 but it has 42 hazards.
  2. Umar Johnson, let's face it, is a financial liability due to a lot of discriminatory statements towards homosexuals, white people, light-skinned black people, bi-racial people, children, women and girls.  There are many examples of this on the Internet.
  3. The deed shows that FDMG purchased the school but it's unclear (at least to me) that FDMG is a legal entity, in addition to FDMG having tax liens.
  4. Purchasing the school for $10 dollars doesn't account for the remaining $749,990 of the $750,000 Umar Johnson claims he has collected from donations and for which he refuses to be accountable.
  5. There's a chance that the property has back taxes.  If this is true, Umar will have to find a way to pay them.  Likely, donations alone won't cut it.
  6. Umar Johnson has never outlined for the public how he intends to get money to maintain the property, pay taxes, pay staff, and pay for such items such as insurance, utilities, supplies, technology, food (90% of which is to be vegan, according to Umar Johnson).
  7. There is over $2 million dollars in renovations for this property I expect to bring up to code.  From where is Umar Johnson going to get this money is a mystery.
  8. There is approximately 40 environmental issues/hazards in the area of the buildings.  How will Umar Johnson address those, with what company, and with what money?
All of these questions, and more, would have been addressed in a business plan.  Umar Johnson told us that he thinks we don't even have GEDs and therefore are too stupid to read said business plan.

That doesn't explain why Umar Johnson, or someone on his team, didn't write one.  I presume that there is someone Black, on this planet earth, who can make heads or tails of a business plan.


Maybe the truth is that Umar Johnson is too stupid to write one.  I'm just saying...

However, for those business plan readers to have something to peruse, Umar Johnson, or someone on his team would have to have done a feasibility study, sometimes called a cost-benefit analysis, before coming up with a business plan.

Does Umar Johnson even know what a feasibility study is?

In addition to calling his supporters stupid, he thinks they are trifling, lazy, jealous, stupiddusty, maggots, and pigs.  Umar Johnson also thinks your sons are lazy, sloppy little Negros, and that your daughters, if sexually assaulted, will develop THOT-ish personality disorder.

Yet, Umar Johnson is dry-begging, oh, I mean, asking, the same people he's insulting and name-calling -- as well as insulting and name-calling their children who he claims he wants to help -- to donate $1 million dollars to him for 'renovations' of the building(s), although he hasn't accounted for any other previously donated money.

And don't get me started on his so-called six degrees for which we never shown any evidence.


Yet, there are so many of our people going in circles strung out over Umar Johnson.



Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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