For the love of money - No Accountability

Speaking of tax-exempt status, Umar claims his fundraising efforts for FDMG were 'sabotaged' by PayPal.  But of course, it is the fault of 'lazy Negros' who wanted to make online donations rather than to go to the post office to mail donations.

He says he talked to PayPal before starting his PayPal account because he didn't have the right tax-exempt status and wouldn't have that status until the end of the year.  This was around January 2015.

Further, think about how he knew the PayPal account was frozen?  Well, of course, it was because he was trying to get some money.

It is clear that a company doesn't keep anyone from doing business with them because they just don't like them and want to 'sabotage' them.  So I don't believe for one minute that PayPal's Board of Directors had a meeting to discuss and to plan the undoing of Umar Johnson because they don't like him or his cause.  It's more likely that PayPal had an issue with Umar being able to prove his identity and/or his tax-exempt status was not right.  This, by the way, is coming from a man who claims to have a PhD and who says, in a video criticizing Polight that he's taken business classes and therefore understands business systems and structures.  Oh really?

And, it's been over a year since this video.  What is the tax-exempt status of FDMG?  What happened to the PayPal donations?

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


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