We Disavow You Again!

From: http://afrikan-resistance.blogspot.com/2016/06/declaration-from-elders-of-bailey.html

Disowning Umar Johnson, an Unverified Disgrace to the Family Name

Tarence Bailey, Sr.

Speaking on Behalf of the Bailey Family Elders

Sunday, June 19, 2016

To Umar Johnson and Whom Else It May Concern,

I speak the following declarations under the authority given to me and on behalf of the elders of the Bailey Family, many of whom are in their 70s-80s and have the rich memories of my family’s history.

I am Tarence Bailey Sr., born and raised in Easton Maryland, Talbot County Maryland. I am a United States Army Combat Veteran. I served in Operation Enduring Freedom in Kandahar, Afghanistan (2012-2013) with the 115th Military Police Battalion, First Combat Team, First Armored Brigade. I served with the 200th Military Police Company, the 115th Light Infantry Company, and the 1229th Transportation Company. Since the Civil War a Bailey family member has served in every American war. With several being awarded the Purple Heart among other awards. The Bailey family also produced the nation's first African American Sergeant Major. The Bailey family, myself included, have a rich history of service to this country. The Bailey men are protectors, honorable, and selfless men who believe in service and sacrifice. Umar Johnson, you claim to be a Bailey, but you do not exhibit any of these traits.

I am a verified descendent of Perry Bailey (January 4, 1813 - August 18, 1880), the first born of Harriet Bailey, the mother of Frederick Douglass. My ancestry to Perry Bailey, the big brother of Frederick Douglass, is authenticated through death records, census reports, marriage licenses, and slave records all confirmed by the former curator, Cathy Ingram, of Cedar Hill’s Frederick Douglass National Historic Site in Washington DC. My ancestor Perry Bailey, big brother of Frederick Douglass, was known, respected, and held in high esteem for being a courageous man. Perry Bailey’s wife was sold into slavery in Texas, he changed his name to Perry Downs for his mission, and went and found his beloved wife, Lucy Bailey. Furthermore, I must note that Frederick Douglass was born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey. Disgracing the name of Frederick Douglass as you have done is disgracing the Bailey family name, lineage, and the elders of my family. The Bailey men and the Bailey elders have decided that enough is enough.

Umar Johnson, by claiming to be a Baileyyou have brought dishonor to my family’s name. A family in which you are NOT a part of. In a phone conversation with you recently, I respectfully asked you why the wisdom of my elders was not consulted before using the family name in what has become a personal money making scheme on your part. I asked you about your academic credentials which the public has rightfully questioned. You have not verified any of your academic credentials to any of your supporters. I also asked you about your alleged lineage in my family. Your answers were insufficient at best and internet based research at worst. The next day, you referred to me as a “flunky” on your Facebook page, but you didn’t answer my questions. After speaking with you and reading your reference to me as a “flunky,” my concerns and suspicions increased dramatically as I did more research into your many disgraceful controversies. Your wrongs have been many and your dishonor of the Bailey family name and lineage can no longer be tolerated.

You promote racial division and hatred. This is neither the character of the Bailey family nor Frederick Douglass. Our family fought against racial hatred and slavery. Our family inspired the Civil Rights Movement. Our family does not represent the racial division and hatred which you so arrogantly bloviate speech after speech all around the country. The School District of Philadelphia recently banned you from speaking at their schools and I congratulate them. I pray that others follow their wise decision to end your divisive hate speeches. No sensible person should trust you with their money or children in a school, bus trip, tour, or anywhere else.  

You are not only a racist hatemonger, you seem to disrespect and also hate women. You have brought disgrace to my family’s name by your public insults and humiliation of Khym Ringgold. Regardless of the occupation of Khym Ringgold, she is a woman, a mother, a daughter, and a sister. You have called her a “maggot in life,” “a tramp disguised as a queen,” and other insulting names. Frederick Douglass fought for the rights, humanity, and respect of all women. You do not walk in his footsteps. He would not accept your public insults and humiliation of any woman, including Khym Ringgold, especially while using his name for personal profit gain. If my Great Uncle, Frederick Douglass, were alive today, I am sure he would publicly denounce you and your actions. Also, you have preyed on the vulnerability of single women around the country. Many have complained about your insulting advances toward them in social media. Frederick Douglass would not have condoned your actions in his time. The Bailey family elders and the Bailey men do not condone your actions today. It is my honor to be charged with denouncing you.

Umar Johnson, you talk in circles and often contradict yourself. You hung up on a female caller in a live radio interview because she asked you about your financial transparency while raising money to purchase and open a school which you have failed to do. The deadline for the school’s purchase was August 21, 2014. Two years past the deadline, you still did not open a school, but you are collecting money without telling people where the money is going! In a presentation, you complained to your supporters that they were “trifling ass Black people” for not giving you more money although you had already received a quarter million dollars from them and have shown no accountability. You have made insults and threats to any and everyone who dares question your credentials and fundraising activity. This tough guy persona  is not how a scholar or someone who claims to have a doctorate of psychology would conduct himself. If people were questioning your credentials and you did in fact have these credentials, then you would have provided them to the public like you do with your promotions of speaking engagements. If you have not spent the public’s money which you have raised specifically for the school, you would have given your supporters financial transparency. I have been informed that you are now looking to build a school in Africa and have been speaking lately about “repatriation”. However, I have every reason to believe that you are looking for a country in Africa without an extradition treaty to take the money you have raised (stolen) and flee the US without criminal accountability of fraud and theft.

Lastly, you run around the country and to other countries claiming that you are a member of the Bailey family. For years, you had not corrected people when they stated you were a descendant of Frederick Douglass. You claim to be a descendant of Stephen Bailey, brother and cousin of Frederick Douglass. However, while people have questioned you about these claims, you have refused to provide documented evidence such as birth certificates, wedding records, obituaries, or anything else that makes you a member of my family. My cousin, Kenneth Morris, published a Public Statement from the Frederick Douglass Family Initiatives that your claims of being a member of our family are undocumented and he factually stated that you are not in the archives of the Frederick Douglass National Historic Site. You responded to my cousin, Kenneth Morris, with childish insults and immature name calling. Ken is a highly respected member and international representative of our family and your insults to him were intolerable and unacceptable to all Baileys and to all who respect our family. The time of your disgracing the Bailey family is over.

I speak the following declarations on behalf of the elders of my family from the authority they have granted me for such purpose. I hereby declare that you, Umar Johnson, are a disgrace to the Bailey family’s name, lineage, and elders. I hereby declare you are guilty of misuse and fraudulent use of my family name. You are not a validated and documented member of my family. If you were such, I hereby declare from the authority of my elders that you would be disowned due to your disgrace of my family name and lineage. You are hereby directed to return all monies you have collected using my family’s name for your fraudulent school which had a deadline of August 2014. I encourage anyone who donated to your devious scheme to seek full refunds or report you to the proper authorities if you have spent their money intended for a school. You are also directed to either prove or stop claiming yourself a member of the Bailey family. You are advised not to flee the US seeking an extradition treaty for fraud and theft. You are advised to hold yourself accountable, not as a Bailey which you are not, but as a man which you should act like.

Signed: Tarence Bailey Sr., on Behalf of the Bailey Elders

Frederick Douglass Family Initiative website:  http://www.fdfi.org/bailey-declaration.html

NOTE:  Mr Tarance Bailey says that he was physically threatened for putting out this declaration.  Clearly, he did not listen.

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