Narcissism 102

Umar, who claims to be a scholar, fashions himself as the only scholar alive who has "most speaking requests," "most requested radio interviews," "most sold out events," "more youtube video uploads," the most "voice samples by recording artists" and, let's not forget, the "most portraits rendered by painters."

How does Umar know this?  What person or organization keeps track of scholars and the requests they receive and tallies them up to rank scholars' requests against one another?  Where are these rankings published?  And, indeed, if Umar has written lessons that are "most used in college classrooms," where is the evidence of this?  And, pray tell, what individual or organization is counting the number of portraits a scholar has made of him/herself?

Also, what real scholar, when asked legitimate questions, resorts to name-calling and memes like a junior high school student?

Please consider the list below of some of our great writers and scholars.
  • Marimba Ani
  • Yosef Ben-Jochannan
  • John Henrik Clarke
  • Cheikh Anta Diop
  • Asa Hilliard
  • Anthony Martin
  • Ivan Van Sertima
  • Frances Cress Welsing
  • Amos Wilson

If one does at least a modicum of research on any of these mighty scholars, certainly there won't be any documentation of any of them constantly bragging about how great and popular (s)he is.  One won't see any evidence of any of them fashioning themselves as superheroes, complete with capes and bulging muscles -- AND trying to sell action figures depicting such.

For real?????

There won't be any proof of any of them dubbing themselves something like The Prince of Pan-Africanism (P.O.P.A.).  One won't find any of them, if and when they disagreed with someone, calling them names like "dusty," "flunky," "maggot," "Miss Piggy," or merely writing off the disagreement as "jealousy."  One won't find any of our great thinkers threatening to "hand out ass-whippings" or "slap the shit" out of people who ask for proof of their credentials or evidence of progress toward his or her proposed project.

Why won't one find any of this?
Because this isn't what real scholars do!

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


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