Something Just Ain't Right...

Hold up!  Wait a minute!

Take a look at this, y'all...

Dr. Umar Abdullah-Johnson
According to the Final Call newspaper, in an article entitled Black holocaust conference remembers past, charts lessons for future, which was last updated on November 24, 2010, a Dr. Umar Abdullah-Johnson, from Philadelphia, delivered his presentation. Note the picture.  Yep.  That's Umar.

Fast forward to October 7, 2016.  Umar Johnson was interviewed by DJ Vlad and asked about his early life and how he set upon the path he is on.

Start at the beginning and listen until 2 minutes and 51 seconds, approximately.

Did you hear Umar say that he got his doctorate from the Philadelphia School of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) in 2012.  That's interesting, to say the least, in addition to the fact that he first claimed that he had six degrees, but he only talks about three degrees here.

So how is it that he was Dr. Umar Abdullah-Johnson in 2010 with a doctorate he earned in 2012?

Here's another question.  Where's the dissertation by Umar Abdullah-Johnson?  Please see below a picture of a search done in a ProQuest Psychology database...

And the result....

No dissertation written by anyone by the name of Abdullah-Johnson appears in the search result.

And, here is another question.  Why isn't there a dissertation by Umar Johnson?  Please see below a picture of a search done in a ProQuest Psychology database...

And the result...

No dissertation by anyone by the name of Umar Johnson appears in the search result.

Further, in the many lectures that Umar has delivered all over the country and all over the world, why hasn't he cited the study he would have had to perform in order to write a dissertation?  Has anyone heard him cite the results his own study?  Has anyone ever heard him cite a study that he performed as a part of a team of scholars?

All I can say is...

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel
Does Umar Johnson need a 302 involuntary commitment?
Mobile Crisis Team: 1-800-417-9460


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