Responses to Conflicts/Valid Questions from a "Doctor of Psychology"

Umar's response to Khym Ringgold when she caught him lying about abstaining from sex on the Roland Martin show.

NOTICE:  He didn't explain why he told that unnecessary lie.

Umar's response to Boyce Watkins, a man with a real Ph.D., when they were in conflict about Maria Lloyd's video.

NOTICE:  None of the questions Ms. Lloyd raised were answered.

Umar's response to Chantall Beaty's request of proof of his educational credentials.

NOTICE:  No educational credentials were produced.

Umar's response to Musaka Afrika Ma'at's blog article.

NOTICE:  None of the concerns raised in Brother Ma'at's blog were addressed.

Umar's response to Tarance Bailey's declaration on behalf of the Bailey family elders.

NOTICE:  No explanation or documents were shown that would prove Umar is related to the Bailey/Douglass family.

Is this the behavior of a person who has a doctorate degree in anything?
How does an adult of any capacity act so childishly and immaturely?
Would a real professional respond in such a way to fair questions and concerns?
Would a doctor of psychology take the time to act THAT silly?

Does anything more need to be said?

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


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