Umar Johnson-The One Man Pan African Taliban

Umar Johnson is trying to be the one-man, Pan-African Taliban.

That must be it.

After all, the Prince of Poopy Pampers, who is now the principal of a bunch of abandoned buildings, believes...

  1. He has the right to tell women how to wear their hair. 
  2. If a woman isn't wearing her hair in a way that he approves, he has every right to shave her head.
  3. He has the right to determine what is 'correct blackness' or 'appropriate blackness'. 
  4. If one isn't being Black a way that he approves, he has the right to deem them "coons," "niglets," "maggots," "pigs," and "bedwenches."
  5. He has the right to keep a database of pictures of "haters" and pictures of those who agree with his "haters" to keep them from entering his school.
  6. He has the right to decide who is Black enough by who questions him, who wants to see proof of his claims, or who disagrees with him.
  7. He has every right to dictate to Black people who they should date, marry, have sex with, live with or have children with.
  8. He thinks he has the right to tell Black people how to spend their money and what holidays to celebrate.
  9. He has the right to decide whether or not 10% of black children are "reachable."
  10. If he deems them "unreachable," he has the right to decide that they will have to be "put to sleep--for good."  This means he believes he can decide whose children are worthy enough to live.
Umar is the One Man Pan African Taliban.  If any or all of the above isn't Taliban-like, I don't know what is.  

Give a listen to Nylah Says.  It's a long video, but worth your time, in my opinion.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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