Be Your Own Leader

Sisters and Brothers, please bear with me.  Please, read this.  Take it in.  Receive it with the respect and love with which this is intended. 

You do not need a self-appointed leader.  You do not need a "leader" who gives himself ridiculous titles.  You do not need a "leader" who lies.  You do not need a "leader" who cannot prove he is who he says he is.  You do not need a "leader" who cannot stand to be questioned.  You do not need a "leader" who cannot or will not give an adequate explanation, or any explanation, of what is being done with money he's collected.  You do not need a "leader" who behaves unethically and unprofessionally.  You do not need a "leader" who treats the very people who tried to help him with utter disdain.  You do not need a "leader" who thinks it is an accomplishment to disrespect his brothers and sisters.

You are your own leader.  You are the leader of yourself.  You are the leader of your family.  You are a leader of your neighborhood.  You are a leader in your children's school.  You are the example.


You can read for yourselves the same information that Umar Johnson is giving to you.  You can study. You can research. You can ask questions.  You can learn.  You can grow.  You can gain knowledge of how to do better.  You can put a plan into action.


If you are not sure where to start, I can offer you some suggestions for reading materials.
  1. Message to the Blackman by Elijah Muhammad
  2. The Miseducation of the Negro by Carter G. Woodson
  3. Isis Papers:  The Keys to the Colors by Frances Cress Welsing
  4. Yurugu :  An African-Centered Critique of European Culture and Behavior by Marimba Ani
  5. Mentacide by Mwalimu K. Bomani Baruti
  6. Blueprint for Black Power by Amos N. Wilson
  7. The African Origin of Civilization:  Myth or Reality by Cheikh Anta Diop
  8. Powernomics by Claud Anderson
  9. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass
  10. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs
  11. Philosophies & Opinions of Marcus Garvey by Marcus Garvey
  12. Psychopathic Racial Personality and Other Essays by Bobby E. Wright
  13. The Developmental Psychology of the Black Child by Amos N. Wilson
  14. Raising Black Boys by Jawanza Kunjufu
  15. Understanding Black Male Learning Styles by Jawanza Kunjufu
  16. Black Students Middle Class Teachers by Jawanza Kunjufu
  17. There's Nothing Wrong With Black Students by Jawanza Kunjufu
  18. Educating Black Girls by Jawanza Kunjufu
  19. 200+ Educational Strategies to Teach Children of Color by Jawanza Kunjufu
  20. Developing Positive Self-Images & Discipline in Black Children by Jawanza Kunjufu
  21. Orita:  Rites of Passage for Youth of African Descent in America by Marilyn Maye and Warren L. Maye
  22. Real Dads Stand Up:  Expert legal information on child custody, visitation, child support, and other issues challenging divorcing, never married and separated parents by Alicia Crowe
  23. Breaking the Chains of Psychological Slavery by Na'im Akbar
  24. The Myth of A.D.D. by Thomas Armstrong

...and many, many more.

Please try not to be intimidated by this list or any list a person could draw up.  Trust me, I'm not special or unique in that sense.  Anyone can research, find books, read them, take notes, etc.  

Including you.

Find people in your school, parent group, community, church, mosque, etc. and form study groups or reading clubs.

Pick a book from the list above or any book you would like to read and discuss to aid you in your understanding.

You can do it.

Yes, you.

Peace and love to you, Black family.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


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