Khym Ringgold Was Right

Can we talk, Family?  I mean, can we really talk?  I need to gather up some strength for this.

We need to face it, people.  At times, we can be some sick, twisted people.

What do I mean?

Some of us have a huge lack of integrity and it is lack if integrity that is killing portions of our communities.  In other words, we don't want to tell the damned truth, because it's hard, it's hurtful, it's inconvenient, or because we simply don't want to face it.

We do it all the time, don't we?

This is why we don't talk about the drunk uncle, the molester cousin, the lying brother and that sister who is mentally ill.

This is why, when we know that pastor is married, bisexual, and sleeping with half of the congregation, we don't say anything.  Then we act surprised when the truth comes out.

Then we blame and shame the victims of predators.

And we think the answer is faith and praying.

I don't have anything against praying.   But we have been praying for a long time while others have been preying.

And we keep on praying while the preying continues.

Charismatic "Leader"

A charismatic leader has the wherewithal, through charm and grace, to gather followers.  They pay close attention to their environment, 'working the room' if you will, to pick up on moods, concerns, and situations of a group, or of individuals in the group.  Once they have a gauge on moods, etc., they hone the presentation of themselves to fit.

If the leader isn't naturally charismatic, they study and practice these skills until they perfect their act. They are often brilliant in using the art of persuasion.  They work to appear knowledgeable, trustworthy, confident and self-sacrificing.

In other words, they work hard to get their game right and tight.

Khym Ringgold and Umar Johnson

I have to talk about them but not in the way you think.  I am not going to talk about stripping.  I am not going to talk about sex.  I will not be salacious.

But we need to face charismatic leadership and predators.

In Umar's own statement about the 'Conscious Stripper' so-called scandal, he said Ms. Ringgold spoke to him about her sons and being a single mother.

We know what happened from there.

My questions are these... is it possible that Umar used his position as a so-called psychologist to work his way to the hotel room with Ms. Ringgold?  Is it possible Umar used his position to discredit Khym Ringgold?

Our Response

Our response to the 'Conscious Stripper' so-called scandal, was by and large, atrocious.  We protected Umar.  We allowed him to get away with calling her a "maggot" after he slept with her.  He put out false information about Ms. Ringgold being a prostitute, literally selling her body, to the point that she had to get an FBI document and post it online to show that it wasn't her who was arrested for prostitution.

And even if Ms. Ringgold was a prostitute, then wouldn't that have made Umar a john?

Did we censure Umar?  No.

Was Umar called to a tribunal?  No.

What happened?  We protected Umar and castigated Khym--the same way Vatican protected pedophile priests, the same way we protect the molesters in our families. and the Black church protects predatory deacons and ministers.

Situational Predation

What do I mean by situational predation?  What I mean is this.  We don't care or get involved in situations unless the situation affects us personally.  For instance, you may suspect or know that your neighbor or the deacon at the church comes on to the married women in the neighborhood or at the church or but you won't say anything as long as your neighbor isn't specifically doing anything to you.

But, oh my, if that neighbor pisses you off, then you pull out that ace in the hole, that information you think is going to hurt him.

Enter Seti.  I think Seti (along with Sa Neter, Polight, and the rest of them) know what Umar does, but didn't say anything until he pissed him (or them) off.

Remember the 'meeting' they were going to have in New York to 'expose' Umar?  What happened to that?

Making an Example

Khym Ringgold was made an example of.  The message was clear.  Don't say anything about Umar, no matter how disrespectful, lowdown, trifling, and petty Umar gets.  So, who knows how many women Umar has messed over but are afraid to speak out because they don't want to endure what Khym Ringgold endured.

Where Is Our Integrity?

Family, the idea that we cover up and excuse poor behavior by our so-called leaders, the idea that we tell women who have been mistreated, disrespected, violated and lied on to keep quiet lest they be 'disloyal,' 'race-traitors,' or 'bed wenches' (unless they piss us off) puts on grand display how dysfunctional we are, generally speaking, as a people.

When are we going to stop the bullshit and get real?

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


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