Mathematics--Baltimore Style

Alright, y'all, I've been doing a little mathematical analysis and here is what I have come up with. I'm cool with you all letting a sister know if you follow my logic or not.  I promise I won't block you if you present sound, logical information, or even correct my math.

Thank you in advance.

Umar raised about $250,000 in 6 months, for an average of $41,667 per month or about $1,388.88 per day.  Sounds really good, huh?

Then he messed up big time by...

Calling the same folks who gave him $250,000 "lazy asses"
Calling the same folks who gave him $250,000 "trifling ass Black people"

...because $250,000 wasn't enough.

See how ungrateful Umar is.

We aren't going to discuss the stupid lies and the questionable credentials.

But anyways...

Nowadays, he's raising about $4000 a month or $133 a day.


If he wants to buy that school in Baltimore, that he says is for sale at $1.9 million dollars and he's getting an average donation amount of $4000 a month, how long would it take for him to buy the school?


Let's divide $1,900,000 by $4000.  That would be 475 months, or about 40 years.

At this rate, most of us will be dead and gone before this school happens, perhaps even Umar.  So I suppose there would be no point in talking about costs of staffing, repairs, books, computers, telephones, equipment, food service, service providers (i.e. internet service, phone service, heat, water, electricity, insurance, licensing, memberships, research databases, etc.), transportation and so on.

So, what do you think Umar is doing with the donation money?  Is he really saving it so that in approximately 30 to 40 years, we can have a school for our children?

Or is it even POSSIBLE that he is living off the money like the rest of us live off our paychecks? Or is it even POSSIBLE that he's tricking the money off on strip clubs, cars, and bling?

We don't know. We don't even know where that money is, even though he claims that he provided that information to GoFundMe.  Yet, somehow he couldn't provide that same information to his donors.


Get it?

Besides, who would want to send their children to "King Kong," especially when "King Kong" is in his eighties?

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


  1. Lately, Umar has been openly saying he has raised approximately $700k. Although the GoFundMe is only showing $360k. I also recal listening to some lectures he did a while back where he was saying that if he went to a cheaper location, like maybe Detroit, then he could get a large building for $300k-$500k. He has additionally thrown down the gauntlet with is DEFINITIVE CLAIM that he will have a building by 2017. But we all know Umar is not a man of his word. Rather, He is a man hoarding the peoples money.

    1. Umar has a post office box as well that he's asked people to mail donations. Also, he may be getting donations from people at his speaking events. So, there is no way to tell how much money he has actually collected, since there's no actual documentation.

    2. Well, Ma'am or Sir,

      We are about half-way through 2017 and now Umar is saying that the date the school will open is August 21, 2018. It looks to me like the stalling game is ongoing.

  2. Here is something I found on GoFundMe regarding taking the money out that has been raised.

    I beleive that the money is gone and that he will get out of dodge sometime this year. Somewhere where he wont be extradited.



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