The Freaks Stay Home in Baltimore?

Please, everyone, call the officials who run the city of Baltimore and tell them what we all already know.

And maybe that way, the 'freaks' will stay home in Baltimore and render Umar Johnson null and void.

At least one can hope.

Umar Johnson is not the appropriate person to be in a cultural arts center, funded in any part through the city of Baltimore, talking about anything related to psychology.

The regular readers of this blog know why, but in case you might be new to the blog, let TrueBlackAnonymous list the reasons why Umar Johnson is highly inappropriate to be giving any psychological or relationship advice.

  1. Umar Johnson is not a licensed mental health professional by the admission of the state of Pennsylvania.
  2. Umar Johnson does not comport himself in any manner deemed to be professional.
  3. Umar Johnson has been known to harass, threaten, and dox people, including esteemed elders and his own father, who don't agree with him.
  4. Umar Johnson has upwards of $1 million dollars of Black people's donation money for a pretend school and hasn't accounted for one red cent of it.
  5. Umar Johnson calls women maggots, pigs, 'ashy-assed THOTS', whores, hot asses and hood rats.
  6. Umar Johnson stalks and doxes women in order to target them for hate crimes.
  7. Umar Johnson blames women who have been sexually assaulted, molested or for being victims of incest and has 'diagnosed' them with 'THOT-ish Personality Disorder' and charges them with participating in 'multiple orgies' and 'multiple head jobs.'
  8. Encouraged mothers to bring their sexually active, or allegedly sexually active minor daughters to an all-female event that is adult in content, while excluding males, including fathers.

Is this something that the city of Baltimore endorses?

I hope not.  So if you hope as I hope, please contact Baltimore City Councilman, Eric Costello either by telephone, (410)396-4816 or by email at

Certainly, the city of Baltimore is not going to let predatory behavior go on right under their noses.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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