
Well, well, well, guess what the brain trust known as TrueBlackAnonymous has just found out?

It's not my fault, y'all.  I swear it's not.  I was honestly minding my own business, sipping on a glass of naturally sweetened iced tea, enjoying the good weather, and surfing the world wide web when I came across...well...THIS!

This is a flyer Umar's "4 Sistahs Only" event.  This is the event that Umar advertised as being adult in content.  This is the event that Umar has banned men and boys, except for boys who are babies and toddlers.  This is the event that Umar has publicly stated that if someone's daughter is already out there "popping her cookies," he will consider making an exception for her to attend.  And I quote:

If you have a daughter already out there, popping those cookies; she done already been seasoned, okay.  She's already 'well-traveled', quote-unquote.  You can read between the lines.  And she needs to be there, you can get in contact with Dr. Umar and say, "Dr. Umar, my daughter is 14 years old, she out there, brother.  She need to hear what you need to say."  Get in contact with me.  We may make an exception.
Yep, he said that from about 23:40 to about 24:04 in the video linked here.

Now, if you pay attention to the tweet for which the image was captured above, he is allowing 15 to 17 year olds in for FREE.

Yes, indeed, he is saying that girls who are 15, 16, and 17 years old can come to an event which is supposedly adult in content - without their fathers, uncles, brothers, male cousins, or any male who may serve as protection, because men are banned - FOR FREE!

Okay, I'm just going to say this directly.


Now I'm going back to sipping my tea.  But if you live in Baltimore, I suggest you put your teacup down and call out bullshit when bullshit is in your face.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. This man is absolutely disgusting!

  2. Are you serious? What's your problem with Dr. Umar, did he say something that touched a nerve in you?
    Why would you think that by singling out the intended audience aka women was predatory? It's sad that you can't SUPPORT his endeavors, but you probably wouldn't overstand anyway.


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