Umar v. Starbucks

Now, here is a battle to see.  Umar Johnson v. Starbucks.  If you're interested and if you can tolerate Umar's shenanigans, the video is linked here.

TrueBlackAnonymous isn't here to debate the worth of Starbucks closing its stores to do unconscious bias training.  That is not the point of this post.  I do want to acknowledge the sister Rosalind Brewer, who is the Chief Operating Officer at Starbucks.

The point of this post is to show, once again, Umar Johnson's erractic behavior.

Here we go!

Of course, Umar Johnson has to publicly massage his own ego to the nth degree, So he calls himself, and I quote, "Black America's Number One School Psychologist of ALL TIME."

Yes, I said it was a quote.

Oh, by the way, Umar is the Number One Garveyite and also known as Realmonger.  And, in case you didn't know, Umar is from the Shoemake "dynasty."

Y'all think I'm making this up?  Sadly, I'm not.  I can't make this up.  If I had made this up, no one would believe me anyway.

Moving on...

Of course, Umar who has no sense of boundaries, ethics or professionalism, goes on to advertise his speaking engagements before he goes on to the topic at hand.

Before he says what he has to say about the unconscious bias training he hails himself as "the great master of human psychology that I am; the greatest Black school psychologist ever in America."

Yeah...another direct quote.

Then he has the audacity demand that Mr. Howard Schultz, the executive chairman of Starbucks, so a curriculum of the training.  It's true.  Umar says.

Can you please tell me, can you show me, can you summarize or describe the curriculum.  Can we please see the curriculum for this so-called unconscious bias training.

The unmitigated gall of Umar to ask for a curriculum when he has nine hissy fits and a bird when anyone asks him any questions about his invisible school, the curriculum, the money that he's collected and the degrees he claims to have.

Oh, and speaking of degrees, someone, a woman, asked him where he got his degrees from.  Umar's response, and I again quote.

You said where did I get my degrees from?  My beautiful black sister, I've answered that question a million times.  I want to you to do me a favor.  I want you to go to the conscious community and I want you to ask everybody who is running their mouth on YouTube what degrees do they have.  And if you can come back and show me where your favorite conscious personalities have degrees that exceed mine, I will tell you where I went.  
Okay, Umar, no one else in the so-called 'conscious community" went around bragging about having six degrees, except you.  So why would anyone question a so-called "conscious community" personality about degrees that they never said they had?

That is a classic straw man argument.

But the verbal diarrhea continued.

Of course, an Umarian hissy fit wouldn't be complete without him insulting someone.  So you know he did.

But as long as you ask me questions that you don't ask nobody else, I'm not answering none of your questions because that is what you call unconscious bias.  Hotep, Sister!  Hotep, Sister!  Hotep, Sister!  
Really, Umar?

Yet, Umar crapped on.
You see, brothers and sisters, those whole "where did I get my degrees from" is kinda played out.  Are you with me?  Are we done with that by now?  Did I not just go before the Pennsylvania State Board of Psychology?  Was I not just in front of the state?  Did they not address me as Dr. Johnson?  Did they not say-y'all saw the tape-that my degrees is not in question, my coon-ish sister.  
Here's the thing.  The results of the hearing haven't been made public yet, so I don't see what in the world them calling him "Dr. Johnson" has to do with a thing.  Please, someone tell me.

And by the way, here we have yet another bashing session of a Black woman who dared ask Umar Johnson a valid question.

The insults from Umar went on.
Here's the biggest question of all, my coon-ish sister.  Why do you need white man paperwork?  Why do you need white man paperwork before you listen to a Black man address Black issues?
Well, since that particular Black man, or chronological adult, TOLD EVERYONE ABOUT HIS SIX DEGREES. HELLO...THIS IS THE WHITE MAN'S PAPERWORK!

So listen, Umar, if the white man's degrees and the white man's paperwork doesn't matter, then why does you continue to remind us that you have six of the white man's degrees?

Please note that during all that ranting, raving, screaming, hollering and other manners of useless carrying on, Umar Johnson didn't answer the sister's question.

Seriously, who is even listening to this bullshit anymore?  And my God, who is sending him money?

As one of the TrueBlackAnonymous network says:
Please send Umar Johnson money. He needs cash. And some of you wanted to send him a personal donation. Please send this grown, unemployed, no child support paying, scammer your money.
Yeah, that money...that's the white man's paperwork, too.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. So he wants to know Starbucks’ curriculum for their training but won’t tell anyone the curriculum for his school for which he’s been talking about for 4 years. He had that much time to come up with something. At least Starbucks will actually follow through and give the training. What Umar is really saying is that he can’t tell anyone the curriculum for his school because there isn’t going to be a school. He said so as much when he points to his supporters who don’t question him about the donations and wait for the school when it comes or if he even does it “at all”. That’s a Freudian slip he was hoping no one would catch.


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