Sadly Contradictory and Unaware

You know, I'm going to tell the truth.

Here it go!

I don't think Umar Johnson is terribly bright.  I don't.  I think he is a good talker.  I think he can make stuff sound good, tempting, and logical.  I think he would be a great salesperson.

I just don't think that Umar is the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Sorry, not sorry.

Being smart is not just making a bunch of mumbo-jumbo sprinkled with facts sound good.  It takes a sense of awareness to be consistent with the verbal and behavioral expression of what you say you believe.

Umar doesn't have that awareness and the examples of this are many and varied.  I'll just point out a few.  I'll call them Moments of Cluelessness.

Moment of Cluelessness Number 1

Umar Johnson was on the Roland Martin show talking about how he can't respect a Black men who is not committed to a Black woman.

Go to about 5 minutes and 21 seconds into this video

In this video, Umar says, and I quote:
I don't care how much work you did for Black people.  Your greatest commitment to Black people is being committed to a Black woman.

  1. Is this the same dude who calls women maggots, pigs, hood rats and THOTs?
  2. Is he committed to a Black woman?  
  3. Where is his wife?  
  4. Why can he only have supervised visitation with his daughter?

Moment of Cluelessness Number 2

In the same video above, Umar says that anyone who wants to can pick up a telephone and call any of the schools he says he graduated from.  Then he got angry when people did exactly that.

Moment of Cluelessness Number 3

Umar says in this video that Black people hate each other more than we hate racism.

It only takes 50 seconds to hear this hamtrosity

Then he calls the Black people who question him about his credentials, his behavior, and what he's done with the donation money for his non-existent school coons, haters, lazy, trifling, dusty and jealous.

Moment of Cluelessness Number 4

Umar went to help bring out the vote in Paterson, New Jersey after repeatedly telling Black folks not to vote.

Moment of Cluelessness Number 5

  1. Where is the money that you took from Black people, in the form of donations for a school that doesn't exist and will never exist? 
  2. Where are your credentials that supposedly qualifies you to tell people what to do with their children?
  3. Who is really exploiting poor Black people?

There are so many more Umarian Moments of Cluelessness but who has the time to list them all.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. I think, no sorry I mean I KNOW it is completely PATHETIC for a grown man to be out here begging for money online. The one thing that should be free to people is information. I don't know who this man thinks he is....but he is nothing but a welfare case. He is going to wish he had that social security check when those donations dry up and he won't have a dime to live on in his old age because he refuses to get a legitimate JOB



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