
TrueBlackAnonymous would like to take this moment to thank all of you, the readers of this blog, for being open-minded and thinking for yourselves.  It is only my duty to give you something to think about.

There is a such thing as a vanguard.  In the classic definition, a vanguard is a person, or a group who is at the forefront of a movement or a leader of a political or intellectual movement.

Please keep reading!

Although I do not personally consider myself a leader, I do consider myself a person who cares about doing what is right, fair, and equitable.  I do consider myself a person who appreciates reciprocity.

Further, I'll confess to this:  I am a woman.  I am a Black woman.  And I, quite frankly do not like the way Umar Johnson talks about women.  From the disrespect of a woman with whom he chose to engage, to the name-calling of a woman who offered to assist him in his stated goal, to attacking a young woman via Boyce Watkins, who encouraged us to ask questions, to outing his child's mother, grandmother and the child herself, Umar's disregard and contempt for women is obvious.

Here's the thing.  Someone has to defend and protect us.  And if the men who should be our protectors are not going to do it, then we have to do it ourselves.

We also need to find out, one way or another, what has happened to the estimated $1 million dollars that folks donated toward the creation of a school that, in close to 4 years, we've seen nary a hint, a clue, a floor plan, an outline, a worksheet, a written update, a board, or a doorknob.  But we have seen court documents related to child support and state and federal tax liens.

Good, decent, hopeful people gave Umar Johnson money for a school because they believed what he said, even when they could barely afford it, even setting up monthly donations.  Good, decent, hopeful people are still waiting, sadly for a school that will never come to fruition.

Someone has to speak for them...for us.  Because let's face it.  Umar Johnson thought the could get away with his mess because he doing this to Black people--the same Black people he calls lazy, trifling, bottom feeders, coons, dusty and so on.  We know if there was an Umar-like character operating in the posh communities of Miami, or in Beverly Hills, or in a chic New York community, someone would call a meeting or two and someone would figure out a way to put a stop to it.

We need to demand the same of our people.

To that end, I continue to be at the service of the people so that the right information can be dispensed.

TrueBlackAnonymous is humbled by your support.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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