Why Didn’t the Black Men of Baltimore Stand Up Against Umar Johnson Manipulating Black Women?

“The saddest fact I’ve learned is nobody matters less to our society than young black women.”

It’s time to call Black men out. It just is. Because I, as a Black woman, and speaking for many thinking Black women, want an answer to a simple question.

Why didn’t you, Black men of Baltimore, stand up against Umar Johnson and his manipulative and predatory behavior toward the women and girls of your city?

Are you afraid of Umar?

Are you afraid that Umar is going to “air you out on your personals” like he threatened Sara Suten Seti?

Are you scared that Umar has “receipts” on what you do with your booty hole a lá Tariq Nasheed?

Because if neither is the case, then I don’t understand why you aren’t speaking up on Umar?


I get it!

I really do!

Because, for all your talk about Black women being queens, princesses, goddesses and the original woman, y’all don’t really give a good goddamn about Black women and girls.

If you did, you as brothers, fathers, uncles and as MEN would not allow your women to be manipulated by the likes of Umar Johnson.

Y’all know Umar’s resume. I guess it would be something like the resumes he’s asking women to pass on to him.

Well, now...let’s see....

Khym Ringgold, AKA, the “Conscious Stripper” who busted Umar out on his completely unnecessary lie about being celibate. You see how big a jackass he acted when the truth was revealed.

Umar, a so-called school psychologist called women and girls who are victims of sexual assault, sexual molestation and incest “THOTs” with “THOT-ish Personality Disorder.”

You all don’t remember how he wanted to auction himself off in the whole “Date with the Doctor’ gambit?

Do I even need to mention how he attempted to set women up for hate crimes (Anti Afro Svengalis) and assault (Khym Ringgold), both for telling the TRUTH about him?

How about when Umar used a meme to compare a Black woman, a sister, a wife, a mother and a grandmother, as well as a doctor of business administration, as a pig.

How about this. Did any man get in Umar’s face about putting his baby, his baby mamma and the baby’s grandmother in jeopardy by asking people to go to their place of business to ask them why Umar can’t be alone with his daughter.

*Stage whispers* This is before Umar said that domestic violence shouldn’t be a barrier on why a father can’t see his child.

Let’s move on...

And, I have it on good authority that Umar, at one of his events, was addressed by a sister who asked him about the donation money for his invisible, pretend school, and he screamed at her, got in her face, and was physically intimidating to this sister.

By the way, the pathetic, weak-assed excuses for men who were there didn’t do a damned thing to stop Umar.

*Stage whispers* Umar is the same dude who threatened to whip Dr. (a real one) Mukasa Afrika Ma'at's ass but didn't show up when he had the chance.  Umar is the same dude who gets all loud, belligerent and disrespectful when a sister, a woman, asks a legitimate question.

Now, Umar has invited girls from 15 to 17 years of age-FOR FREE-to a discussion about sex and relationships that is, by his own admission, adult in content, particularly if they are already “well-seasoned.”

Here’s a question. How is it that Umar, who is supposedly a school psychologist, suddenly an expert on male-female relationships?

And, as a school psychologist, how is that he doesn’t know that he wouldn’t speak to a grown woman in the same way he would speak to a 15-year-old girl, especially about a topic as sensitive as sex.

And how dare Umar tell men, even the fathers of these girls that they can’t come in to hear what he’s saying to their daughters?

Black men in Baltimore, you all are going for this mess? You all are A-OK with this?



One thing is for sure, Black men, you can’t, in all good conscious, wonder why Black women don’t respect you.

It’s because of you being silent and tacitly co-signing bullshit like this.

Really, y'all, it's old.  It's tired.  It's pathetic.  It's sickening.  And if you are in agreement with fuckery like this, then so are you.

The most disrespected woman in America, is the black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the black woman. The most neglected person in America, is the black woman.
Malcolm X

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. You hit the hammer on the nail without missing!
    People need to stop trying to save the world and start in their own households with their own kids. I understand there is a race problem but most of these men don't invest any quality time getting to know their own child and want to hoop and holler about everything they see on TV ect. Start by finding out who your child is, who their friends are, what influences they are around, what are their dreams, and what you can do help them in achieving their goals, how not to have a victim mentality so that they don't approach any situation as unattainable. Just my thoughts. I mean GEEZ!


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