False Evidence Appearing Real

I once heard someone say that fear is false evidence appearing real.

The thing is that everyone is afraid of something.  Everyone.  The key is to not let fear take over you.  Because all fear is:


This false evidence that appears to be real is what abusers use to hide.  Abusers COUNT on their victims giving in to fear.  This is why someone like Umar Johnson uses tactics such as threats and screaming, loud talk to instill and reinforce fear.

But remember, fear is:


So, listen, if you believe that Umar Johnson can cause you harm by "airing out your personals," then don't be.  Don't let Umar Johnson, or anyone else, make you feel badly for asking for help, for not knowing what to do, or not being sure.

Guess what?  You are human.  Humans are imperfect beings.  None of us are perfect.  We all need help sometimes and we all make mistakes sometimes.

However, being silent doesn't help.  Silence creates mystery and there is no mystery here, if you ask me.  I believe most of us with a lick of common sense and a few functioning brain cells can determine the following:

  1. Umar Johnson is not a mental health professional or a mental health service provider.
  2. Umar Johnson has an estimated $1 million dollars of Black people's money based on his scam of building a school for Black boys.
  3. Umar Johnson uses scare tactics with parents to frighten them about their children in order to get money.
  4. Umar Johnson uses his phony position as a so-called doctor to use women for sex.

Please don't continue to be silent.  Please speak out.  Please call or write the appropriate authorities.  Please.  TrueBlackAnonymous isn't about shaming or blaming anyone.  Just remember:
Abusers will always try and silence the abused. ALWAYS. So women must raise our voices and speak our truth. Never be bullied into silence. Not by your family. Your spouse. Your job. Your friends. Speak the truth.
Sophia A. Nelson 

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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