Pennsylvania...You Have A Problem...

Well, at least according to Umar Johnson, you have a problem  Go to about the 6 minute and 57 second mark of the video below for Umar Johnson to tell you what your problem is.

Go to the 6 minute and 57 second mark

Did you hear that, State of Pennsylvania?

According to Umar Johnson, "we got thousands of therapists in Philly who ain't got no license."

Uh, "we" means you, state of Pennsylvania.

So, if one chooses to believe Umar Johnson, there are thousands of folks in Philadelphia, practicing as therapists without a licenses.  Of course the implication, if you accept Umar Johnson's assertion to be true, is that the state of Pennsylvania is picking on him, and only him, for acting as a therapist without a license.

Now, why would the state of Pennsylvania be picking on poor Umar Johnson?

Oh, because the state of Pennsylvania, acting as a tool of racism/white supremacy, is persecuting Umar Johnson.

Never mind that the state of Pennsylvania is alleged to be allowing all those other thousands of folks run around Philadelphia practicing as therapists without licenses.

Now that I think about it, the state of Pennsylvania may have more than one problem, if you believe Umar Johnson.
  1. The state of Pennsylvania has thousands of unlicensed therapists, just in Philadelphia alone.
  2. There is one person, Umar Johnson, who said this, so I guess that means he knows this to be true.
  3. Umar Johnson, who is supposed to have knowledge of the mental health field, didn't know, or care, that it is his fiduciary duty to report anyone he knows of who is practicing without a license.
Umar Johnson, you may have more than one problem as well.
  1. He was recorded stating that he, along with the yet to be named thousands, are doing therapy without licenses.
  2. If number one above is true, then he's admitted that he's broken the law.
  3. If he knows that there are thousands in Philadelphia who are doing therapy without licenses and he hasn't reported at least one of them, once again, he is in the cross hairs of the state of Pennsylvania for not keeping his fiduciary responsibility.

Oh my dear, the state of Pennsylvania has some problems on its hands.

And so does Umar Johnson.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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