Just Might Be The Nail In the Coffin

Umar, you fool!  What is wrong with you?  Don't you realize that your conduct while you are under review is also taken into consideration when a state board is deliberating your case?

No, it doesn't seem that way.  You are still ranting, raving, insulting, and name-calling people.

This is not going to help your case.  Not at all.

So here's the latest...

Umar has intimated that Tariq Nasheed is gay or bisexual.  Not that Tariq Nasheed's sexual pecadillos are any of my business.

But here's a question.  How would Umar Johnson know what Tariq Nasheed's sexual preferences are?

Umar then talks about the lady from Indianapolis, IN, who Tariq Nasheed had on a video, who he referred to, once again, as a T.H.O.T., although he never denied being with her.  This is very reminesent of his calling Khym Ringgold a "maggot."

Of course, he had to throw Boyce Watkins into this mix of tomfoolery.

What kind of crazy, dysfunctional relationship does Umar Johnson and Boyce Watkins have?

Umar Johnson cannot possibly care what the State Board of Psychology of Pennsylvania thinks.  Perhaps, he doesn't care about what the Pennsylvania Department of Education thinks, either.  Of course he doesn't. Umar Johnson has nothing to lose at this point because the jig is up with various state boards and state departments, as well as with GoFundMe and Paypal.

Get it?


So why not get on video and act a blasted fool?  Umar Johnson knows that his audience likes the beef, the name calling, the back and forth, and the shenanigans.  Just like a so-called reality show, Umar is entertaining his audience because it's his audience who is giving him money.

So, if beef "sells," then so be it.  If the idea of a school "sells," then so be it.  If T-shirts and hoodies with copyrighted material "sells', then so be it.  If FDMG pillows "sells", then so be it.

Because Umar Johnson is a one-man circus who, I'm very sorry to say, is getting money only from those of our people who are either delusional enough, crazy enough, ignorant enough or naive enough to swallow Umar Johnson's mess.

Why else would he be doing this?

No real professional, who cares about himself/herself, any license, certification or other credential would DARE get on the world wide web (emphasis on world) and behave the way Umar Johnson is behaving, especially after being called to a hearing by a board.

But there's more.

Umar Johnson doesn't seem to realize or doesn't seem to care, that he could have potential put a child, HIS OWN CHILD, in danger, by giving the name and the location of a restaurant that her mother and grandmother work, while expressing his anger at not having unsupervised visits with his daughter.

Listen to Anti Afro Svengalis explain what Umar Johnson did in relation to his daughter

The fool, in another video about visitation with his 6-year-old daughter, said that domestic violence shouldn't keep a father from seeing his child.  So, does it surprise anyone that he potentially put his own child in danger?

That video went all over the world and I'm sure folks in Philadelphia saw it.  I'm sure that folks who live in Philadelphia or who are from Philadelphia know where that restaurant is.  And if they don't now, they can find out because Umar Johnson gave the website of the restaurant, and asked people to email his daughter's mother and grandmother to ask why he can't see his daughter.

Umar Johnson, while claiming to be a therapist and an expert in conflict resolution and family relationships, is asking complete strangers to harass his daughter's mother and his daughter's grandmother because they won't let him visit with his daughter alone.

There must be a reason why and Umar Johnson seems to be demonstrating that reason.

In another video, Umar actually names the school his daughter attends.

No offense to anyone in Philadelphia or anywhere else, but as a general statement, people are crazy.  Umar Johnson doesn't know what folks might do.  He cannot predict or control how other people might behave or what they may say to that lady and her mother in person or in an email, or if they show up at his child's school.

So giving the name and location of the restaurant where his daughter's mother and grandmother work AND naming his daughter's school, can potentially be dangerous, no only to her mother, her grandmother, and restaurant patrons, it could be potentially dangerous to the little girl herself.

But like most narcissists, Umar Johnson simply does not care how his behavior may affect others and cannot show genuine concern for anyone but himself.

So my question to the Black community at large is this:  How much longer are we going to allow this Umar Johnson mess to continue?

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. I think that he is birnibg everything down in order to makehis getaway. He has his passport to travel, I think he will go to an African country without extradition to bide his time before he returns to hustle the community some more. His exposing his child's mother abd grandmotheris abuse by proxy. He is probably blocked from communicating with them, so he is doing this to get back at them through others like a damned coward. I hope someone ha as downloaded the video and sent it to law enforcement.


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