Jedi Mind Trick

I apologize to all my readers because I think I'm going to get very harsh in my language.  Although we were raised in the church and had mothers, grandmothers, and aunties who told us such lady-like niceties such as to sit up straight, not to put our elbows on the table and definitely don't curse, my language is about to get very ugly.

Umar Johnson told you in words and in actions, that he thinks you're stupid.  He thinks you're too stupid to research.  He thinks you're too stupid to read a business plan.  He thinks you're too stupid to find out that some of the things he tells you are bald-faced lies.  He thinks you won't ask legitimate questions.  He thinks he can intimidate you into not questioning him, his credentials and his activities.  He thinks you damned sure won't question him about the money he was sent for a school that will never exist.

Umar Johnson has bamboozled you with smoke and mirrors, Facebook Live and YouTube videos of him looking at schools (but never making a serious offer), with confusing and confounding words and titles, coming up with excuse after excuse, lie after lie, not working with a team, including people who offered to help him for free, by acting such a goddamned, blithering fool that he thinks it will make people believe that they didn't even have the right to question him.

Just stop it, Umar!
Umar Johnson NEVER intended to make/build/create a school.  He intended to string you along, as he's done for years, while collecting money and doing who-knows-what with it.  Because he doesn't respect anyone, he has never produced one piece of paper showing you where your money is or how he intends to keep a school going.  Meanwhile there are schools all over this country, sitting abandoned, for which Umar Johnson, with what he alleges is $700,000, has never made a serious offer.

And what did y'all do?  You all cheered him, applauded him, insulted each other, lost friends over him, and backed him up.  Meanwhile, he was hoodwinking, deflecting, clowning, lying, and using you while hiding behind the love and care we have for our children.

Think about how pathetic that makes Umar Johnson...and how utterly stupid it makes us look.

If we don't call out the games, the lying, the lack of integrity, the unprincipled behavior and the duplicity, and yes, the utter bullshit of our so-called leaders, we will never get anywhere.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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