Is Umar Telling On Himself...AGAIN?

Umar Johnson, you're really coming apart.  TrueBlackAnonymous knows when you're coming undone.  You start to tell on yourself.  Here's an example.

The evidence that Umar Johnson is coming apart because he's named someone who we presume is Tariq Nasheed but Umar is calling Big Bird.  According to the video, sisters, are trying to throw Umar under the bus to try to get next to Tariq, uhm, Big Bird.  But sisters shouldn't hold their breath, because Tariq, uhm, Big Bird, doesn't like African looking women with brown skin and nappy hair.  Oh, no.  Tariq, uhm, Big Bird like women light, bright and damned near white.

TrueBlackAnonymous doesn't care what sort of women Tariq, uhm, Big Bird, likes.  But now the question becomes this.  Why does Umar care?  Wouldn't Umar be more concerned about his upcoming hearing with the State Board of Psychology?

But, let's go on.

Umar Johnson calls the hearing dated on January 8, 2018 a "lynching."  He claims that the State Board of Psychology isn't going to care how many people show up.  In fact, the more people who show up, the better the state board will like it, according to Umar, because they want to humiliate him in front of more people.

But wait...who is organizing a trip, for $50 a head, to ride on a bus from Brooklyn, NY to Harrisburg, PA to support Umar Johnson if it doesn't matter and the whole proceeding has been set up to humiliate him?

But the good news for Umar is that Umar will know who is really for him and who is not.  Yeah...because that's the important thing here.

Umar Johnson must also be feeling guilty about something because he then starts talking about his child support issues with the mother of his 6 year old daughter.  He says he doesn't pay child support for this child because he wants to be able to visit us alone.  Umar doesn't like that the child's mother is only allowing supervised visitation at the child's grandmother's home.

Gee whiz, I wonder what happened to make the mother not want Umar to be alone with his child?

Now it gets better.

Umar then talks about how he understands how issues around domestic violence may cause the mothers of children to keep the fathers away.  But, Umar recommends that the mothers don't keep children away from their fathers for reasons of domestic violence.

I can't even agree with that because there is supervised visitation.  Working in the schools and having been a child therapist, I know that fathers who have abuse issues can visit with their children at family court.  They can visit with their children at the police precinct.  Of course, we never want a child there.  Or the parents can agree on other places for supervised visitation like church, a community center, another relative's home.  So, although domestic violence is a very big problem, Sisters, please don't use that as an excuse to keep fathers from their children.  There is absolutely no reason to keep a dad from his child (emphasis added).  
Umar Johnson really said that.  One wonders if he's speaking from the perspective of a so-called psychologist and/or a so-called child therapist or from his own personal experiences with the mother(s) of his child(ren).

From The Journal of Family Violence, September 13, 2016...

Witnessing violence and threats against a caregiver during the earliest years of life is associated with severe effects on children’s health and development. Resulting issues can include symptoms of psychological distress, behavior disorders, disturbances in self-regulation, difficulties in social interaction, and disorganized attachment (Evans et al. 2008; Holt et al. 2008; Scheeringa and Zeanah 1995). The negative impact of intimate partner violence (IPV) on the child begins very early in the relationship with the caregiver, before problem behaviors and deficits in the child’s general well-being are noted (Levendosky et al. 2003). These effects may be more serious in younger than in older children (Fantuzzo et al. 1997; Levendosky et al. 2013). Younger children are more completely dependent on their caregivers than older children, not only for physical care, but also for emotional closeness and safety required for normal neurological, psychological, and social development. This dependence may contribute to their vulnerability to the effects of witnessing violence against their caregiver (Levendosky et al. 2013; Schore 2013; Siegel 2012).

He claims that's there's NO reason to keep a father from his child?  Just damn...Let's move on.

Umar Johnson, at about 4 minutes and 24 seconds into the video, states that he though he had an ally in his 6-year-old child's grandmother.  For that reason, he was hopeful that he would be allowed to have alone time with his child.

That hope expired when he received the letter from child support.  Umar claims he didn't have a problem paying child support.  However, he had a problem because he wasn't allowed to spend alone time with his child outside of her grandmother's home.  Because, you see, according to Umar Johnson, time is just as important as money.

Again, one wonders why Umar Johnson isn't being allowed to have alone time with his daughter?

Once again, Umar rails on about Black women.  And I quote:
My beautiful Black sisters, there is something that you all have to take responsibility for and that is many Black women have friends, sisters, cousins, nieces, aunts, who they know are keeping the children from the father and they don't say anything about it.  And what I want Black women to understand is that when you are complicit in this war of denying children access to their father, then you contribute to the ever lessening rates of Black men marrying Black women.

What a bunch of crap.  So now, Black women who don't advocate for Black men when other Black women want to "play keep away" with the children contribute to black men marrying women of other races?

And, "until Black women start holding other Black women accountable, Black men are going to stop marrying you."

So Black men now run to women of other races because of that?  Wow.

Please forgive the potty mouth on this one, Y'all.  Umar, get the fuck out of here with that bullshit!


No woman, regardless of race, wants a man, regardless of race, who behaves irresponsibly, who is physically and/or emotionally abusive, and potentially endangers their children.

So, as far as TrueBlackAnonymous is concerned, if that's the reason Black men want women of other races, then they can have at it.  Never mind that attitude is disrespectful to women of other races.

Now, tell the truth, is TrueBlackAnonymous the ONLY one who notices that Umar Johnson never speaks about the responsibilities of men?  Issues with child support, issues with child custody and visitation, and issues around rape, incest and sexual assault, it's all the women's fault in Umar world.

Men in the Umarian world are NEVER called out for their poor, irresponsible and even criminal behavior.

Umar Johnson, you are certainly NOT a therapist.  You are certainly NOT a psychologist.  You are certainly NOT a clinical psychologist and you are certainly NOT a child therapist.  And I pray for the children you had access to as a school psychologist.

Umar Johnson, what you ARE is a piece of shit.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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