International Ifatunde...The Jig Is Up!

Oh!  The heart of TrueBlackAnonymous is filled with joy!  Our brothers and sisters across the pond seem to be waking up to the truth of who Umar Johnson is.

Hallelujah!  Great Day!  Praises to all the dieties!

Truth and Rights, from the United Kingdom, is urging his brothers and sisters in the UK to ban Umar Johnson from the United Kingdom/

Good for him!

Truth and Rights rightly points out Umar's hypocrisy, his narcissism, his desperateness, his deceptiveness, and his negative behavior because he's been found to be a fraud.

Sisters and brother in the UK, please ban Umar Johnson/  He's the biggest fraud in the Black Conscious Community.  How did we let him get away with this for so long?

In any event, Umar Johnson has been found out and now he's like a rat a corner, trying to escape.  Truth and Rights is ugring his sisters and brothers in the UK, or anywhere else in Europe, not to entertain Umar Johnson, not to bring him to the UK for lectures, movie screenings, and to certainly not to donate any money for a school that will never exist.

I, for one, say, "Bravo!"

And if things happen like they should, and if we are ALL (from both sides of the pond) lucky, then this scourge on our communities known as Umar Johnson will simply go away.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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