St. Paul College -- SOLD

According to the December 6, 2017 issue of the South Boston News & Record and Mecklenburg Sun, St. Paul's College has been sold to a Chinese-backed company for $2.5 million dollars. The buyer listed on the deed, recorded Monday, November 27, 2017, is Xinhua Education Investment Corporation.

So, I looked up the corporation, linked above.  Notice that there is a list of names associated with Xinhua Education Investment Corporation, including a Mr. David Lu.  David Lu has a website with a street address, a telephone number, a fax number, and an email address.  In other words, the Xinhua Education Investment Corporation, by all appearances, is a legitimate business, with partners and a formal organization.  Mr. Lu also had no issue with listing his credentials, degrees, and experiences, unlike Umar Johnson.


I don't know Mr. Lu.  I have never met him nor have I ever spoken with him.  However, I don't think that Mr. Lu, who is there to run a business, would think of using crowdfunding, such as GoFundMe as a major (or only) funding source.  Real business people wouldn't think to do this.  I don't suspect that Mr. Lu would name-call the people and entities who are supporting him and his venture. I don't believe that Mr. Lu would call people who are asking questions 'haters.'  I don't foresee Mr. Lu taking the time to meme people who question what he's doing.  Real business people are too busy doing business to take part in such juvenile nonsense.

I DO believe that Mr. Lu was able to get legitimate financing for his venture.  I DO suspect that Mr. Lu has a business plan or prospectus that any one interested in investing in his business could read and ask questions, if they like.  I DO think that Mr. Lu would treat his constituents with respect.

I have no reason to think anything else, at this point, about Mr. Lu and Xinhua Education Investment Corporation.

Now...a little admitted bias is coming below:

I'm sorry that a Black-owned and operated company couldn't see a way to purchase the St. Paul's College campus, even if it were to re-purpose it for something other than education.  I personally would have liked to see the college remain in the hands of Black people, for many reasons, including for its historic significance as an Historically Black College and University (HBCU).

I'm also sorry that this mess named Umar Johnson got involved and managed to unwittingly involve the likes of the Bailey family, Roland Martin, Chantall Beaty, Rock Newman, Boyce Watkins, among so many others.  I'm very sorry that Umar Johnson used the hopes that our people have for our children as a weapon to simply get money from the poorest, most vulnerable, and yet, most hopeful of us -- from all over the world.

Damned shame...

I know that there are Black educators, Black therapists, and Black business people who are legitimate, who don't mind answering questions and don't have anything to hide....but Umar Johnson isn't one of them.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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