It Was Bound To Happen

Umar Johnson, during a recent Tuesday morning telephone call, was encountered by the father of a child.  It seems that Umar Johnson, during one of his previous Tuesday calls, gave the mother of his child some advice which turned out to not be positive for the child.  The child, as a result of his mother following Umar's advice, put her child, and their family in a bad position.  The child's mother, supposedly on the advice of Umar Johnson, paid for an evaluation, resulting in the family being in a bad financial position.

Well, I'm not surprised.  It was bound to happen.  I imagine that this is one of the downsides of what is called telemedicine.  With no files, no coding, no insurance billing, no way of tracking what was said, who knows what really could have happened?

In any event, instead of addressing this man's concern regarding his son and the advice given to his son's mother, Umar escalates the emotion by being defensive, sounding threatening, pumping up his ego, and proclaiming the child's father a "hater," and proclaiming that "no one is scared of you, Family."

WRONG and wrong again!  If Umar Johnson was anything that he says he is, he would have known how to de-escalate the situation.

Remember, Umar doesn't know any of the background of the people who are calling in.  He doesn't take any medical history, any psychological history, he doesn't do any insurance billing, and therefore, doesn't use any diagnostic coding.  Who knows what he said to the child's mother during one of these Tuesday calls.

And who is this woman who was on the call with him?  She calls the father "mildly retarded," "rude," and "disrespectful" because he's questioning the advice Umar Johnson gave his child's mother.  Is she a professional in the field of education, psychology, or medicine?  In the same way that no one is quite sure who Umar Johnson is, I'm not sure exactly who she is and why she's chiming in on this phone call.

Needless to say, the call digresses into a bunch of over-talking, emotion, and yes, I'm going to say it, a bunch of ghetto mess.  It was NOT, I repeat, NOT professional at all.

Start at about 3 hours and go to about 3 hours and 20 minutes

Yet, Umar feels the need to "shout out" his Chicago family and asked the "Chicago family" to get the father off the call.  I wonder if he's calling on his "goonie goons."

The original issue brought up by the father, as far as I can tell, was never addressed.

And is it just me, or does Umar seem to hide behind the skirts of women?

What do I mean?

Umar, after the female on the call chimes in, the accuses the father of disrespecting Black women, namely the black woman who is defending Umar.  No black man, especially one who wants to be "down," doesn't want to be seen as being disrespectful of the Black woman, even the Black woman called him "retarded" for questioning Umar Johnson and the advice given to his child's mother.

So with a sleight of hand, Umar attempts to make the issue becomes about disrespect of the Black woman and NOT about what Umar Johnson told the mother of his child.

See that?

Oh, yes. as far as the sponsor of this Tuesday call, I wonder if she is thinking "how on earth did I get involved with this?  I wonder if she wants her products associated with this kind of mess, and if so, why?  And I wonder if it is ethical for a so-called psychologist, while acting in his so-called professional capacity, to endorse or accept sponsorship, for any products?

Another momey-making scheme?

When will Umar Johnson learn?  And when will folks learn that Umar Johnson is trouble and get as far away from him as they can?

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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