Lies, Lies, and More Lies...

I've decided to simply face the fact that Umar Johnson just won't stop ducking and dodging, sticking and moving, lying and flying.

It's almost as if he cannot help himself.  Like breathing, sleeping, and excreting, it is just what Umar Johnson does.

The latest?

Well, it seems that there's a spate of videos on a YouTube channel named 60,000,000.00 Views that has suddenly disappeared.  This channel had a preponderance of Umar Johnson videos of his lectures and Tuesday phone calls supposedly to help parents with their children, including those videos in which he called for 'wife resumes', "diagnosed" victims of incest, sexual assault and molestation with 'THOT-ish personality disorder', calling our young people 'spoiled' and calling our people 'trifling' for not giving him $2 million dollars in 30 days for a school for which he didn't so much as have a draft of a business plan.


Pardon me if I am drawing a conclusion, but I find it very strange that the timing of the disappearance of this channel coincides with the investigation by the State Board of Psychology of Pennsylvania.  Yes, this is the same board of psychology who is/was investigating Umar Johnson.  Not to mention the fact that Umar Johnson's videos about the still imaginary FDMG school, which will never come to fruition were on this channel.  And of course, we can't forget videos about Umar and his babymamma drama.


Of course, a great deal of evidence used were these videos of Umar Johnson spewing his garbage out of his own mouth.  The fact that so much inappropriate mess came out of Umar Johnson's mouth proves that he is not what he says he is.

So, excuse me if it stands to reason that the timing of the disappearance of a YouTube channel on which many Umar Johnson videos were posted for a significant period of time, along with an announcement by Umar Johnson claiming that others are on YouTube posing as him, is suspicious, to say the least.

And if I were a parent or a guardian of any child, I wouldn't ask Umar Johnson a thing.  I certainly wouldn't be participating on those telephone calls, which I'm almost positive is illegal for him to record and post on social media.  Further, I wouldn't recommend that anyone give him a dime of their money because you'll never see any evidence of what was done with it.

As far as we're concerned, this chronologically adult male who calls himself Umar Johnson lies like he blinks and breathes.

I just have to say it straight out:  STOP BEING FOOLS.  Do not listen to this man.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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