Critical Thinking...

Sometimes it is is best to do 'call a thing a thing.'

Okay, let's do it.

Umar Johnson is not well.  He's not well at all.

Please, good people, let's put on our thinking caps.think about it.  Really, really THINK.

Umar Johnson has been called before the State of Pennsylvania on a matter of judging his fitness to help people with the most private and intimate parts of their lives and the lives of their children.

So what does Umar Johnson do?

Umar Johnson gets on a radio program and threatens violence against two people who he believes has reported him to the state of Pennsylvania Board of Psychology.  He has publicly threatened to "slap the shit" and "whip asses" of two people.

TrueBlackAnonymous suspects that neither one of these gentlemen named are afraid.

Start listening at from about 40 minutes until about 45 minutes

But, are we surprised?  After all, he's threatened to "slap the shit" out of several people, including the TV personality, Roland Martin.

Doesn't that alone prove that something isn't right with this person?

At this point, I'm not questioning Umar Johnson.  He is what he is.

I'm questioning the people who are interviewing Umar Johnson.  When Umar Johnson said on a radio program, something called Vent Radio, that he was going to "whip" someone's "ass," the male host chuckled and the female host didn't even look up from her device.

Come on, people!  What are we communicating here?

Neither one of these hosts thinks there's anything wrong with Umar Johnson, a so-called school psychologist, therapist, clinical psychologist, a self-proclaimed expert in conflict resolution, and a man who says he wants to make a school to teach Black boys, threatened to whip somebody's ass on a public forum.   This, of course, is after being called by the state of Pennsylvania on matters pertaining to his fitness and authorization to practice psychology.

And neither host on this radio program seems to think that anything is wrong?  In fact, they are complimenting him and finding ways to support Umar Johnson.

This is why Umar Johnson doesn't concern me.

It is the utterly mindless, completely thoughtless, almost cult-like followers who also seem to think that anyone who questions Umar Johnson is a "hater" and need to have the "shit" slapped out of them, such as those on Vent Radio.

Don't you all know that Umar Johnson is bad for business?

This is so outrageous, so ridiculous, and so silly that TrueBlackAnonymous can't make this up.

So let me ask this.  Would either of these people on Vent Radio, including the male host who is a grandfather, trust their children or grandchildren with Umar Johnson?

Please listen...

Keep that thinking cap around because you just might need it.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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