So Misguided...

Oh my misguided people...

TrueBlackAnonymous has just learned that some well-meaning yet misguided people are petitioning to have Umar Johnson's license restored by the state of Pennsylvania.

I am so, so, very, very sorry, my good, well-meaning people.  Umar Johnson will not have his license restored by the state of Pennsylvania.


Because Umar Johnson NEVER had a license to practice psychology in the state of Pennsylvania.

I repeat...


Therefore, Umar Johnson cannot have a license restored that he never had in the first place.  This is why he's being called to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania State Board of Psychology.  He's being called because it is illegal to practice psychology without a license in the same way that it is illegal to practice medicine without a license.

Get it?

Oh my misguided people, the brain trust known has TrueBlackAnonymous implores you to stop wasting any more of your time defending this man who has done nothing but abuse you, lie to you, mislead you, name-call you and take your money.

Please, in the name of all right thinking African people, just stop it defending Umar Johnson.  It's not worth it.

From: Pennsylvania State Board of Psychology, File No. 14-63-0087

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. Sometimes I just want to shake some sense into his supporters....I mean they are truly brainwashed. We can't help them because as long as the Pastor, Government and everybody else is already robbing them, it is okay for this con artist to do the same. The logic in that argument is mind-blowing! I can't believe that a person would actually let those words come out of their mouth. They literally are giving this man permission to screw them over. Unbelievable!


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