Dis Tew Much
Umar claims to have six degrees, yet has produced no proof nor has he posted his resume or CV on his websites. There have been people who have called the various schools he's named in order to find out if he has earned the degrees he says he's earned, and have gotten mixed results.
And also keep this in mind. There very well could be a person by the name of Umar Johnson, or Umar Abdullah-Johnson, or Umar Rashad Abdullah-Johnson. So isn't it even a possibility that when one calls these schools, they may tell say that, yes, someone by the name of Umar Johnson graduated from these schools, but it may not be the Umar Johnson who seen on the internet who dubs himself the Prince of Pan-Africanism?
Of course, Mr. Martin had to ask him about his relationship to Frederick Douglass. Umar claims he never said he was a direct descendant to Frederick Douglass, but is related to Frederick Douglass by virtue of being a descendant of Stephen Henry Bailey, a man who is supposedly Douglass's first cousin and reputed half-brother.
Of course, since Roland Martin, and his panel, attempted to ask Umar some critical questions, Umar had to act a fool. Then, Umar attacked the woman panelist, even before she could complete her question. Check that out.
I guess those 'house Negroes' just don't quit, huh?
And let's be truthful, how many of these so-called 'armchair revolutionaries' and 'keyboard gangstas' probably have white wives or girlfriends anyway?
Further, what happens if he happens to need to counsel a biracial child? Or the white parent of a biracial child? What if that child sees this clip on Youtube?
How does the way Umar handled someone who has a disagreement with him demonstrate that he can teach and model conflict resolution?
Note that he says that he has $700,000 of Black folks money for a school that has no governing board or, as far as I know, a law firm or an accounting firm in charge of the donation money. He hasn't secured a location at the time of this interview. But he says the school will start August 21, 2018, if at all, or August 21, 2019.
Did y'all catch that?
Further, how can Umar have a definitive date for the school if he hasn't secured a location?
And when Roland asked him about starting a charter school, since the St. Paul's College deal seemingly fell through, Umar's response was as follows:
Uh, I wonder why no one asked Umar if he's heard of a thing called an accreditation agency. No school can give out a valid diploma without being accredited. So, no matter what kind of school Umar wants to set up, if he actually sets up a school, he is still going to have to deal with "the man."Because charter schools are owned by the state. I'm a Pan Africanist. I believe that what is to be done for Black people must be done by Black people.
We know Umar's solution to his sense of feeling threatened, challenged or otherwise uncomfortable when he doesn't get sycophants to interview him. He attempts to over-talk people, then he resorts to name-calling. For instance, Umar called the gentleman who disagreed with him a "coon." While it is true that the man called Umar a liar, the way to combat that is to show where you are telling the truth, not by name-calling. And Umar is supposedly the professional, therefore, he should know that.
Imagine that! The Prince of Pan-Africanism calling another Black person, on a national TV program, a "coon" for having the unmitigated gall to disagree with his opinion. Remember, I said, OPINION. Not FAAAACCCCTTTTSSS.
Roland Martin and TVOne...Umar is not a Educator or Child Therapist |
Good for Roland Martin for calling Umar out on using racial epithets on his TV show. One thing, though. Had Roland done some research, he would have seen Umar's pathetic display on that video in which he called Seti the N-word more times in a 45 minute span than I can ever remember hearing in a month.
Well, then you know what happened. Umar takes to his social media to meme, name-call, deflect and act the victim.
Oh, boo-hoo!
This is too much!
And how do you know that you aren't Umar's friend...well, he memed you. Congratulations, Roland Martin! You're in good company, along with:
Khym Ringgold
Ken Morris
Tarence Bailey
Chantall Beaty
Boyce Watkins
Mukasa Afrika Ma'at
Because, associating people and being filmed on television with who you know don't like you makes all the sense in the world.
AND, let's remember that Umar walked away from a $5 million dollar loan.
So, I hope Roland Martin and TVOne really investigate Umar Johnson and what is really going on.
Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel
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