Umar Supporters Are Now Threatening the Baileys--UPDATED

Well, now, when will we ever learn?

You might ask what I'm talking about.

You sister, TrueBlackAnonymous, has it on very good authority that our excellent brother, Tarence Bailey, has received threats of physical violence from Umar Johnson supporters via the internet.


Because Tarence Bailey, along with other members of his family, have said that Umar Johnson is not related to them, and therefore not related to Frederick Douglass.  Umar hasn't produced any evidence to suggest that he has kinship to the Bailey/Douglass family.

Wow.  That's amazing...the threats, I mean, not Umar's rantings.

Why do I find this amazing?  Well for a couple of reasons:

We don't know who Umar really is, now do we?  Is he Umar Johnson or Umar Rashad Abdullah-Johnson?  Is he Jermaine Shoemake?  Who is this dude?

Now let that roll around in your brain for a few...


So I don't understand why anyone would be making threats, in the name of defending Umar Johnson, when they don't really know him, and don't know what, exactly, is being defended with these threats.

Secondly, this man known as Umar Johnson has produced no evidence to suggest that he's a relative of the Bailey family, or that he has the degrees and credentials he claims he has.  Further, there is no documented proof to suggest that he's actually creating a school for Black boys, and has produced no accounting for the money he's collected.

To conclude the matter, if this man we call Umar Johnson had the evidence of his claims, the threats on his behalf would be unnecessary.

Next, I think about is these folks who I call keyboard gangsters who sit behind a device, making threats toward people they don't like or agree with -- or even know.  Most of them are full of crap.  For example, in another instance, one of these "keyboard gangsters" told me that I was a "weave-wearing bitch living in Section 8 housing."

Yeah...that would be me, right?  See how most of this is downright laughable?

But anyway..I suggest to these "keyboard gangsters" that the internet is forever.  These "threats" can be printed out, recorded or screen-shot, and sent to the proper authorities for investigation.  I also suggest that they research federal and state laws that have to do with cyber-stalking and harassing, starting with 18 USC Sections 725 -- 875 as well as other companion laws that punish such acts for up to 5 years in prison and/or a $25,000 fine.

Deeper than that, though, I think these folks who are sending threats should ask themselves if "defending" Umar Johnson -- a man who is already suspect, a man they know nothing about, a man who hasn't proven a thing he says -- is worth the risk.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


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