Job Titles?

Sometimes, there are others who can explain things to us better than the one who writes this blog.  Please thank "Hillary for Prison" for this information.

Going back to at least 2009, Umar Johnson has continuously, and unequivocally referred to himself as a Clinical Psychologist, Psychologist and Child Therapist. He's made these statements in print interviews and specifically himself in scores of videos all over the internet.

This is one of several recent videos where Umar is backed into a corner, forced to retract his long-standing bald face lie.  Not to insult anyone's intelligence but I'm going to take the time to explain how Umar played fast and loose, taking advantage of our community and their lack of clarity on job titles.

School Psychologists are "certified," not licensed (with exception of CA) Nonetheless, no school psychologists are authorized to diagnose/treat mental health disorders, provide therapy, render clinical opinions, write clinical reports, testify in court on diagnosis, bill insurance,  medicare, etc. Within all 50 states/U.S. only 6 licensed professionals are authorized to do so after the state where obtained training education issues them a license.  This education, testing, identity verification, and criminal background checks are long and drawn out. It's hard for whites to make it through. So just imagine how hard it is for us Black folks. Then you have Umar up here not only perpetrating for years as a licensed mental health professional but spreading dangerous, unethical, false, and misleading information in our communities.

None of what Umar espouses is supported by the numerous/esteemed Black leaders within the Association of Black Psychologists or the numerous other Black mental health professionals who've dedicated their lives to encourage our people to seek out  mental services when in need. Those of us with actual verifiable clinical licenses would never balk hesitate, challenge, and/or refuse to provide information related to any of our education, training, background, licensing, or certification.  Our clients have EVERY right to know about us. We're the ones they're turning their precious children over to and CLOSING the door while they wait outside, at least part of the time. We freely provide info upon request; distribute it during workshops, training, speaking engagements. Our licenses are posted on our walls/in our places of business. Many mental health professionals even have websites with this information. Having worked 15 yrs in K-12, community college and university sectors, 99.999% of academicians do the same with their degrees and credentials.

Umar Johnson is the ONLY person in the academic world who literally panics, gets defensive, angry and abusive when asked to provide information about his background. Umar expects everyone to sit eyes gazing in awe, as he runs together infinite sentences together about all he's claims to have accomplished. Yet, he has yet to provide a single, solitary tangible piece of evidence of any accomplishment, professional referral (not clients)  who can vouch for his professional work, much less an actual degree for neutral party inspection.

Where are ALL these people Umar claims to have worked for?  What school did he serve as Principal? If this is a fact, why did Umar suddenly remove this job title from his website after countless people challenged the validity of the claim? No matter how many times Umar spins his fast-talking wheel, the arrow keeps landing back on "nickle slick."  And as far as Umar's claim of being kin to Frederick Douglas? Well, big deal because guess what? I'm kin to Nat Turner who led the historical slave rebellion of 1831. See folks. It's just that easy to say anything you want...truth or not, like Umar does.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


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