Oh, the Sabotage...

Wah, wah, wah, Umar is crying about the so-called sabotage at the event in Washington, DC.

The whole video is a hamtrosity from start to finish, as far as I'm concerned.

I'm really wondering from where does Umar get these folks who do not ask him critical questions?

Why do I wonder this? Well, between the 2 minute and 9 second to the 2 minute and 18 second timestamps, the lady in this interview said, to Umar, and I quote, "I wouldn't dare ask you any questions."

What the hell?

Dagnabitall, SOMEONE need to be analytical and ask Umar those real questions that folks, especially those who donated to the school fundraiser, need and deserve to know.

Let's go on.  Umar is quoted as follows:

"I never thought that our elders, especially conscious elders, would be capable of that type of a sabotage, with me being their son, with me being the leader of the next generation, so to speak, it was very unfortunate that so many people came out to hear me and yet through whatever dealings took place that I was actually sabotaged and ...couldn't present what I can to present."

Haki Ammi

Whoa!  Who made/dubbed/appointed Umar the leader of the next generation? I don't know.  But I think this is similar to Umar's tendency to name himself the new Frederick Douglass, the new Marcus Garvey, and/or the new Malcolm X.

It seems that Umar is playing the victim.  It's a shame that he suddenly can't seem to remember when he's name-called, memed, threatened elders, and criticized the church in such demeaning ways. No...Umar is the victim of treachery by the elders.

Yet Umar is kind enough to forgive them.  After all, we all make mistakes.

"But it has affected my relationships because you have to be able to trust the people around you."

After all, his work is very dangerous.  Because, of course, he's not talking about history, Egyptology, or culture.  I'm talking about organizing to face the challenges that are up against as a people.

I do wonder how creating a school, with no plan, curriculum, floor plan, governing body or even a location is going to help us face those challenges?

"He goes on to say that his scholarship is very, very threatening to the American social order.  I have to be able to trust the people around me."

I've seen no evidence of Umar's scholarship.  Please someone point me in the direction of Umar's scholarship.  Please...
Man of the Year?

But anyway, back to poor Umar being a victim to people who are old enough to be his father or his grandfather.  How so very unfortunate.

"But, these are the types of experiences that one gets when one gets the love and support from the people like I get."

The male radio hosts calls Umar's "sabotage" old fashioned coonin', steppin', and fetchin' from some of our people who don't want to face the truth and are getting paid to do it.

However, the host doesn't specify who is paying the elders to sabotage Umar.

But, the good news is that Umar is looking forward to the rest of 2017 and 2018.

Bless the heart of the female host who asked him about the status of FDMG.  Umar says that St. Paul's College was purchased 5-6 months ago by a white developer.  Umar believes that was a sabotage, too, because no one was thinking about St. Paul's College until Dr. Umar Johnson started raising awareness about this abandoned HBCU that would be perfect for the FDMG Academy.

Umar goes to to say that, in fact, "the auction company that was representing the sale on behalf of St. Paul was was dishonest with me because they told me that the college was repossessed by the state due to unpaid debts, which was true.  But they also told me that they were going to re-appraise the college and put it back on the market for sale.  I was told by the lead auctioneer in Richmond, VA to give him a call in a couple of weeks and we will let you know the new price that the school would be going for."

The female host asks for the auctioneer's name, but Umar can't remember the name, just that he is "a white guy."

Well, that really narrows it down.

Umar repeatedly called him back to find out what the new price would be and when he finally talked to this white guy, he said that the school has sold.  When Umar asked this guy when did it sell, he claimed it's been under contract for almost a year.

How could they tell Umar that the property was being re-appraised when it was under contract for a year?

In addition, Umar says that there were Black people in Virginia who were also protesting against him getting St. Paul's College because the Black people said that Umar was a racist and they didn't want the white people to be uncomfortable.

Hmmm....Where is the evidence of this?  When did this happen?


There is a school that in the south that looks like Umar can buy within the next 6 weeks (let's watch our calendars, Folks), he will know for certain.  If it happens...

Then Umar flip-turns around and start talking about August 21, on the Nat Turner Trail, to celebrate the total next solar eclipse with elder Kalief to view it.

Umar never completed his thought about the school.


Will we ever know?

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


  1. So Umar was told by “the white guy” to call him in a couple of weeks but told a woman he didn’t know the guy’s name. Well then, how was it possible to “repeatedly call him back” if he didn’t know the guy’s name. He had to have his contact information that INCLUDED HIS NAME to do that. Was he addressing the man as “Hey, you” the entire time? He doesn’t realize he told on himself with that statement.


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