This Is How It's Done, Part Two

Once again, our good friend and brother, Kenneth B. Morris shows us it is possible to not only be proud of his verified relationship to the Abolitionist, Frederick Douglass, but to use that relationship for the positive benefit of our young people.

Kenneth B. Morris, through the Frederick Douglass Family Initiatives, is giving away 9,000 copies of the bicentennial edition of Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass, to young people in California.


I have followed the work of Kenneth B. Morris.  I'm a "fan" of his, in a manner of speaking, I suppose one could say.  What can I say?  I confess that admire people who do good work, do it honestly, and to the best of his or her abilities.  I have no shame in my game on that, folks.

And I must say that I've never seen evidence of Kenneth B, Morris lying, obscuring information, avoiding responsibility for his actions, meme-ing anyone, name-calling anyone, stalking or harassing dead people or their relatives, giving himself unnecessary honorific names and titles, selling or auctioning T-shirts, hats, backpacks, pillows, or even dates, or threatening to "slap the shit" out of anyone who may dare to disagree with him.

This is how a person operates who is using his family's legacy to its potential.

Kenneth B. Morris's behavior is the polar opposite of Umar Johnson, who has the unmitigated gall to call his OWN FATHER a "coon."

Make of it what you will.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


  1. I think it is so comical how he feels such a grandiose sense of self with those name titles he gave himself. LOL!
    He is so pathetic!


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