Sick and Tired...

Okay, TrueBlackAnonymous has a real confession.  Here it is.

I am sick and tired of Umar Johnson.

Can you blame me?

I've been blogging about this idiot for a little over one year.  I've given the people one piece of credible evidence after another that Umar Johnson is a fraud.  I have quoted him from his own mouth.  I have interviewed people who've dealt with Umar Johnson.  I have mined government websites.  I have studied professional web sites and communicated with professionals in the fields of  education, psychology, mental health, real estate, finance, non-profit organizations, AND the relatives of Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman.

One person after another, one quote after another, one unproven Umarian claim after another, one government document after another, one Umar-created derogatory put-down after another, and one stupid meme after another, one lie after another, proves who this biologically adult male is...and is not.

And if there are folks who still refuse to even look at the evidence, and if there are folks who refuse to read, and if there are folks who refuse to research, and there are folks who refuse to question, and there are folks who refuse to think for self, and there are folks who are still giving this goddamned fool, Umar Johnson, their money, then who is really the fool?

One more time, my beautiful African people, use the good sense that the Creator gave you.  We need to stick together and fight the cancer that is Umar Johnson.  As for me, I've said everything I can think of to say.  If you don't get it, I simply don't know what else to tell you.

Good luck.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


  1. I can tell you are sick of this fool lol. I laughed when I read the first sentence.


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