
From:  Definitions of Child Abuse and Neglect

Neglect is frequently defined as the failure of a parent or other person with responsibility for the child to provide needed food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or supervision to the degree that the child’s health, safety, and well-being are threatened with harm. Approximately 25 States, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands include failure to educate the child as required by law in their definition of neglect.8

Ten States and American Samoa specifically define medical neglect as failing to provide any special medical treatment or mental health care needed by the child.9

In addition, four States define medical neglect as the withholding of medical treatment or nutrition from disabled infants with life-threatening conditions.10

Now, let's give this a moment of thought.  Really, let's just think.

Have any of you ever heard Umar Johnson say that at his pretend school, the children won't need medication?

I wonder how Umar Johnson would know that.  I wonder what the legalities are around not giving children medication that has been prescribed by a doctor.

Who is Umar Johnson to tell parents not to put their children on medication or to stop giving them medication, if they've already started?  What qualifies him to say this?  What makes him think that at his invisible, phony-baloney school (which can never legally exist), the children will be so engaged and motivated that they won't need medication?

Start at 24 minutes and 30 seconds and go to about 25 minutes

Now, let me qualify.  I am not necessarily advocating giving children medication for behavioral issues.  Besides, opinions are like belly buttons.  Everyone has one, including me.  Although I have an opinion, which is mine to have, I recognize that I'm not qualified to give a professional opinion.

What concerns me here is this:  Is Umar Johnson qualified to render medical opinions, like telling parents to stop giving their children medication?  Since Umar Johnson has never even claimed to be a medical doctor, I seriously wonder why he's saying things that he has no qualifications to say under the guise of his so-called profession.

And if parents or guardians are taking the advice of someone who is not a mental health professional, or a medical doctor, would that be qualified as neglect?  In other words, if a parent or guardian takes the advice of Umar Johnson, whose credentials cannot be verified, who know one knows who he really is, and who is surely NOT qualified to render medical advice, who has never given a child a medical examination, would that parent be in a position to be accused of neglect?

Further, if a family is on government aid, and are being placed in a position to be accused of neglect of a child or children, how could that impact the family in terms of being recipients of government aid?

We need to really put on our thinking caps in these situations, for our own protection and the protection of our children.


8 Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

9 Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, Iowa, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and West Virginia.

10 Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota, and Montana.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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