Umar, Are You Okay?

I wonder if Umar Johnson is actually mentally ill.  I'm not trying to be funny.  I am deadly serious.  I seriously wonder if the man is mentally ill.

Case in point, during one interview, at about the 14 minute mark, a gentleman called in to ask about the tax liens on the IRS website on FDMG Academy.  Remember FDMG Academy?

Even the host seemed a bit flummoxed.  But Umar Johnson insisted on answering the question.

How did he answer the question?

Umar's response, after calling the man a "hater," responded essentially by saying that there's no tax liens on FDMG Academy because FDMG Academy doesn't exist presently.  And, my good people, it will never exist, especially in Chicago, where Umar's so-called goonie-goons are...

Then, somewhere in there, Umar Johnson manages to call this man, who is asking a valid question, "a fool."

Who does that to someone who seems to be on HIS side and who is asking for clarification on legitimate issues?

A narcissist.  Remember, a narcissist has utter contempt for you.

Now, let's see...

Is the the same FDMG Academy for which he's using the GoFraudMe, oops, I mean the GoFundMe account to raise money?

Is this the same FDMG Academy that Umar Johnson filed for non-profit status?

Is this the same FDMG Academy for which Umar Johnson had the non-profit status revoked?

Is this the same FDMG Academy for which Umar Johnson is selling hats and pillows?

Is this the same FDMG Academy for which Umar Johnson is soliciting resumes?

Is this the same FDMG for which Umar Johnson claims he is looking for properties?

Oh, and he claims that the IRS is saying that he, Dr. Umar Johnson, owes over $200,000 in back taxes, which is also incorrect, according to Umar Johnson.  Also the website that is saying that a third babymamma is coming for him for child support is lying, too

I don't know what website he's talking about, but if he's talking about the IRS AND the state of Pennsylvania's child support system websites are BOTH lying on Umar Johnson, he would have two whoppers of lawsuits and should call an attorney immediately.

And maybe he'll use some of the proceeds of the lawsuit to build FDMG.

This brings me back to my speculation that Umar Johnson is mentally ill.  Because, really, how can someone make the implication that the IRS and the State of Pennsylvania is conspiring against him, just one little ol' school psychologist...who fancies himself the "savior" of his people...

...who can't spell his job title correctly?

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. This is brilliant. I was led here by your comments of the comic clip. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

    1. Thank you! I appreciate your comments. To add to the post I would ask if Umar Johnson need a 302 involuntary commitment? Mobile Crisis Team: 1-800-417-9460


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