Put It In His Hand...

Umar Johnson is encouraging people to give him donations in his hand, according to Umar Johnson's own GoFundMe page.

From:  gofundme.com/drumar

Interesting...I wonder why he would even want to have donations put in his hand...


Could it be that in-hand donations, especially cash donations, are almost impossible to track?



Could it be that in-hand donations, especially cash donations, wouldn't catch the eye of the IRS?


Please consider...

Could it be that in-hand donations, especially cash donations, would escape the state of Pennsylvania?


Think about this one...

Could it be that in-hand donations, especially cash donations, would slide past the child support authorities?



Could it be that in-hand donations, especially cash donations, won't even need GoFundMe, because after all, even GoFundMe created a record?


Ah ha!

There is the crux of it, I suspect.  If Umar Johnson gets in-hand donations, especially cash donations, there is no RECORD of the money.  It's can't be levied or garnished.  It doesn't have to be counted as income so it can't be taxed.

These are all valid questions and inquiring minds would like to know...

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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