I Can See How...

I admit it.  I see it now, more clearly than ever.

  • I can see how the psychological disorder of narcissism can be attributed to Umar Johnson.
  • I can see how there are people who believe that Umar Johnson is misogynistic.
  • I can see how his father can be very concerned about him.
  • I can see how people who listen to Umar Johnson can be called a "cult."
  • I can see how people can call Umar Johnson a liar.
  • I can see how people can say that Umar Johnson is delusional.


Umar Johnson seems to not be able to help himself as far as attaching himself to famous people.  In the video below, starting at 2 minutes and 18 seconds, Umar Johnson attached himself and his family to Meek Mill and Kevin Hart, even indicating that Meek Mill lived across the street from Umar Johnson's family.  I have it on good authority that Umar Johnson's father says that this isn't true.


Umar Johnson throws the Black female judge under the bus and implies that she is an "employee," an "accomplice," or an "agent" of white supremacy, along with Barack Obama, because she's sent Meek Mill, a repeat probation violator, to prison for 2 to 4 years.  Meek Mill, however, according to Umar Johnson, bears no responsibility for the situation in which he finds himself.

Father's Concern

Umar Johnson's father has made at least 2 videos expressing his concern, frustration, and exasperation at his son.  It appears as though Mr. Jamal Johnson has made these videos because his son will not speak with him, and Mr. Johnson objects to his son calling him a "coon."  Imagine that!


Umar Johnson seems to have a contingent of our people who will follow Umar Johnson, not question him, or think critically, which are some of the characteristics of cult-like behavior.


Umar Johnson, at about 10 minutes into this video says that the proposed school will be a not-for-profit school.  This is difficult to believe since Umar Johnson, under the name the FDMG Academy, has had a non-profit status revoked.  Umar claimed that this information is on a fake website.

Gee whiz.

Umar Johnson should call the IRS and inform them that there is a fake IRS website and/or that the IRS is lying on him.

But anyway...


Once again, Umar Johnson, in the interview in the video above, says that his school is going to be a not-for-profit school.  A not-for-profit school is a charter school. Further, a not-for-profit school means that it is under the guidelines of federal and state laws, the school would have to follow the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) special education laws.

The school would also would have to follow Civil Rights legislation, meaning the school cannot discriminate, as Umar Johnson has openly claimed he would do against potential employees.

Umar Johnson would need to write a charter and charter application process can take up to two years.

If this is the case, there is no way the proposed school would be ready for students on August 21, 2018.

In addition, Umar has been loath to document anything, as far as anyone can tell.  In fact, Umar is critical of the archdiocese of Michigan because, as he says at about 7 minutes and 40 seconds into the video, there's a building that the archdiocese is willing to sell, but they don't want to sell to Umar Johnson.

Why?  Because Umar Johnson is a Black Pan-Africanist and the Roman Catholic Church has a deep and racist history.  Besides, they want to see Umar's private paperwork, the curriculum for the proposed school and his mission statement.

Umar doesn't understand what his "secret documents" have to do with the purchase of a building.

But why would those documents need to be secret?

Further, Umar claims there are no black-owned banks, no black-owned hospitals, no black-owned schools and no black-owned supermarkets.


  • I can see how the psychological disorder of narcissism can be attributed to Umar Johnson.
  • I can see how there are people who believe that Umar Johnson is misogynistic.
  • I can see how his father can be very concerned about him.
  • I can see how people who listen to Umar Johnson can be called a "cult."
  • I can see how people can call Umar Johnson a liar.
  • I can see how people can say that Umar Johnson is delusional.

But...be your own judge, Ladies and Gentlemen.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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