This is How It's Done!

Well, well, well, look at Kenneth B. Morris, Jr.  I'm not saying that only because he's handsome.  I'm not saying that only because he's well-spoken. and not only because he's an all-around class act.  I want us to look at Kenneth B. Morris, Jr. because he embodies the legacy that he's inherited from both his Washington and his Douglass ancestors.

When speaking with The Root, Ken discussed, with insight and grace, his ancestry and what it means to him and to the world. Even when Donald Trump took all kinds of heat for speaking of Frederick Douglass as though he were still alive, Kenneth Morris, as a person of intelligence and grace would, Let Donald Trump, and the rest of the world, know that Frederick Douglass has done an amazing job:

  • Enduring the inhumanity of slavery after being heir to anguish and exploitation but still managing to become a force for solace and liberty when America needed it most
  • Recognizing that knowledge was his pathway to freedom at such a tender age
  • Teaching himself to read and write and becoming one of the country's most eloquent spokespersons
  • Standing up to his overseer to say that 'I am a man!'

Ken definitely walks his talk as a co-founder of the Frederick Douglass Family Initiatives.  The mission of FDFI is "to advance freed through knowledge and strategic action" and doing so by utilizing, in combination, the legacies of both Douglass and Washington.  He's quoted in The Root as saying, "I imagine that they would be very proud of the work that their families are continuing in their names.  And I feel like I'm being guided by their spirits, too."

Now contrast Kenneth B. Morris with his alleged cousin, Umar Johnson.  Umar Johnson, who dubs himself 'The Prince of Pan Africanism,' has, among other things:
  • Lied about abstaining from sex
  • Refuses to answer any questions about his fundraising efforts toward the pretend Frederick Douglass Marcus Garvey Academy for Boys
  • Memed people who have either disagreed with him or asked him questions he doesn't want to answer.  He also blocks people from his social media for similar "offenses"
  • Lied about being related to Frederick Douglass
  • Went on social media to engage in a 45 minute rant toward another 'hotep' speaker in which Umar degraded him for being light-skinned and short
And he also sees himself as some sort of superhero, as depicted on the left, or as one who is sitting on a "throne."

Umar, in this 45-minute long rant, has been quoted as saying, "I'm the Shawn Carter of this s--t!  I'm the Christopher Wallace of this s--t!"  Umar has also been quoted as saying "I'm the one!  I'm the boss!  I got this!"

Now let's do a little comparing and contrasting.  On one hand, we have Ken Morris, a man who has been married to the same woman for over 30 years; Ken Morris, a man who has raised two daughters; Ken Morris, who is a family man; Ken Morris, who is an educator; Ken Morris, who is an advocate of the most defenseless of populations; Ken Morris, who is humanitarian.

On the other hand, we have Umar Johnson, a man who was having sex with a stripper while somehow remaining celibate; Umar Johnson, who memes and blocks those who ask legitimate questions about his non-existent school; Umar Johnson, who got a PayPal account frozen; Umar Johnson, who lied about being related to Frederick Douglass; Umar Johnson, a man who is the father of two children by two different mothers and was not married to either one of his children's mother.

Now, I ask you...which one of these men more closely fulfills the legacy of Frederick Douglass?

Don't Katt Williams, I'll wait.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


  1. Very insightful blog post. Very shameful for Mr. Umar Johnson to perpetrate a fraud and to disgrace the legacy of Frederick Douglas. This is my first time learning of this individual. I would have to say that in the times that we are in where all eyes are on BLACK LIVES MATTER and the abuse by the police of those deemed lower class by their powers that be, this is the time for those men who are considered black by the U.S.A that have integrity, morality, spirituality, ambition, honesty, strength, & courage to stand together and rise up. Realize this is a chance to undo much of the negative coverage done throughout history by the Illuminati controlled media. For the first time in history we have become technologically advanced enough to cast a bright light upon the shaded doings of societies elite and their agenda, allowing the world along with the USA to see the ugly reality of the treatment of not only the black man, & minorities, but of anyone considered at or below the poverty level and labeled as unfit & unequal.

    This is the time to change the fearful thoughts of much of white America created by the negative news and media coverage of the African American male. Now is your time to rewrite the words used to define the black man & to show the world the intellect, power, heart, knowledge of self, righteousness, creative genius, morality, and the equal to or greater than ability to thrive and prosper in a society whose foundation is ensnared with traps and filters installed purposefully to see you contained and controlled.

    I would hope that the many out there who fit the mold previously mentioned would not allow this opportunity to slip away by giving those of questionable character a pedestal and voice that would allow ignorance to overshadow the influential potential within every love filled black man who wishes for today to be the beginning of a new dawn in the writing of the history of the African American Male.
    We also need to not allow them to incite a race war so they have the power to declare martial law on us.

    promoted - How many of you out there have been touched in some way by the heroin and opiate/opioid epidemic which has exploded within the past 10 years? We really need to be focusing our attention on the heroin and opiate plague they are forcing upon us so they can than control us by having the addicted all on methadone or suboxone, officially becoming residual income for doctor's and big pharma. They didn't expect though for a whistle blower to come forth after nearly 35 years and reveal what doctors discovered in the 1970's that allows for the #Heroin and #OpiateAddicted to stop their #Opiate Use without going through the dope sickness or #OpiateWithdrawalSyndrome they would normally go through. They conducted trials on methadone and heroin dependent patients and successfully used the discovery to stop and prevent #opiate & #OpioidWithdrawal all naturally in each and every patient and the patients were able to sleep and eat voraciously while also curving their urge for the #Heroin & #Methadone . This should have been global front page news but the powers that be forced it under the rug so billions could go on to be made with addictive #SyntheticOpioids like #Methadone & #Suboxone . Now the exposed discovery has been released in a new e book report titled " No More Opiate Withdrawal " and allows for readers to instantly download this mind blowing discovery with a couple clicks of their mouse.

    One Australian govt. official was quoted as saying that the release of this information had the power to close down half the rehabs within the country while putting many within the opiate treatment profession out of business. Please like and share this information to get it out to as many people as you can. The report can be found here at " NoMoreOpiateWithdrawal dot tk " . God bless and in all things thought and done be sure to base them all in love!

    1. Thank you, William Francis. I try to be thorough and fair. Keep reading. I appreciate your support.

  2. That url was


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