When "Keeping It Real" Goes Wrong

Okay, y'all, I am so sorry to tell you, but we have just displayed before the world how idiotic some of our so-called best and brightest are.

I mean, damn, is this a movement or is this the World Wrestling Federation?

Let me break it down.

It seems that Umar called for the elders of the our community to meet in hopes of settling some dispute.

Honestly, I don't know who is disputing or what the dispute is about, but, if it calls for the elders to intervene, that certainly cannot be positive.  After all, I'm sure the elders have better things to do than trying to quiet down a couple of grown-ass so-called men who are behaving like third grade playground bullies on social media.

Maybe the Sankofa bird can help...

Now, this Seti has taken exception to Umar's "right" to call a meeting.

Now, I don't know a whole lot about Seti, but I've never heard of him claiming to be a scholar with six, count 'em, SIX degrees, who is also a doctor of psychology while raising money for a school. However, dubbing himself a 'General' and claiming that he runs an entire community cannot be good, in addition to his call to "fuck the Elders."


Well, of course, Umar, the self-proclaimed Prince of Pan Africanism, cannot allow any real or perceived challenge to his "throne," had to respond.  Unfortunately, he called Seti out for, among other things, being light-skinned.  Really, Mr. RBG?

Listen, if you can...

Now, Umar, is this the behavior if a "doctor" or a "scholar"?  I think not.

Now, I certainly do not claim to speak for the elders but I will say that I don't blame them for one second for not dealing with either one of silly, ego-wounded, butt-hurt, little boys in grown men's bodies. The ridiculous display put on by both of these idiots is not consciousness.

It's nigga shit.

After this stupidity, what parent in his or her right mind would send a child to Umar?

But also begs the question. What multiple degree-holding, licensed professional can get on a social media platform, behave in this deplorable manner, and not expect any consequences?

Oh, maybe the kind who really isn't a multiple degree-holding, licensed professional?

But, I have to admit, this is FUNNY...

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


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