Will the Real Bitch and Ho Please Stand Up?

By Shadid


From:  http://survivingdating.com/will-the-real-bitch-and-ho-please-stand-up
(any links and commentary are my own)

Before I go into this article, let me first qualify that I am using the word "Man" in reference to what we define as male.  I'm not using the word man in certain instances that describe the attributes of a real man.  Also, note that this is a generalization meant for only a certain group of people with a certain mindset.


As of late I have been tuning into radio broadcasts, FB groups, blogs and other media sources, as well as well as talking to my friends about a growing trend among black males.  There isn't a place you cannot go and not run into conversations about who is to blame about the condition of the majority of black people in the United States.  Me myself, I have a non-traditional contrarian view on this subject matter, which I will qualify here in this article.

The following statements and assessment by me will surely rub many people the wrong way and be looked upon as controversial and not valid.  My goal is to get people to think critically, not emotionally.

The Destructive Black Man

There is a growing segment of black men in this country to feel it is their divine right and prerogative to degrade and beat down black women.  Along with this destructive and divisive attitude, these same men (and I use that terminology loosely) have been blaming black women for every social ill afflicting our community.

What's even more disturbing is the fact that men who know better and have a contrasting view, refuse to engage these punks!

This isn't a new phenomenon; this mindset has been around for centuries and is the root cause of our current condition.  When the might of men sit back allow tyrants and the weaker of their kind to have a voice and rule, the decline and death of a people, is not far in the future.

With rappers such as Lil Wayne, TI, Jeezy and endless list of other minions degrading the black woman has gone mainstream!  The Al Sharptons, Jesse Jacksons, Christain ministers, Muslim Imams or big wig "conscious" folks have yet to seriously address those issues.

Let's take a historical look at the black man and the role he has played historically in the destruction of all things African, including its people.

  1. Is or was the black man the strongest man on earth at one time?
  2. Is the black man the oldest man on earth?
  3. Did the black man have the most advanced and oldest civilizations on earth?
  4. Was the black man in charge of the security of his family, tribe, and people?
  5. Was the black man the most intelligent man on earth at one time?

Is or was the black man the strongest man on earth at one time?

Answer:  Yes, because he was the only man on earth for thousand so  years before mutations in his genes gave rise to "other" races of people.  The area of the earth and the physical demands of living in that environment, all suggest you had to be physically strong and mentally fit to survive.

Is the black man the oldest man on earth?

Answer:  Yes, according to geneticist, Dr. Spencer Wells, the Khoi and San people of the Kalahari Desert are the oldest people on earth, and have the greatest genetic diversity.

Did the black man have the most advanced and oldest civilizations on earth?

Answer:  Yes, the great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx are the oldest monuments on earth.  The Sphinx is estimated to be well over 30,000 years old.  These monuments are in north east Africa, in present day Egypt.  Advanced mathematics, geometry, algebra, writing, music, and a host of other scientific and cultural practices, have their origin in Africa.

Was the black man in charge of the security of his family, tribe, and people?

Answer:  Yes, for thousands of years, black men have been the kings, chiefs, generals, and warriors for their tribes, people, and family.  Although there is parts of Africa where a man or woman can become chief or a ruler of a tribe or clan, generally it was the men in charge of the military and fighting other enemy tribes.

Was the black man the most intelligent man on earth at one time?

Answer:  Yes, it stands to reason that if the black man is the oldest man on earth, at one time he had to be the most intelligent.  His monuments and history are vast and plenty.

Now, here comes the million dollar question:  If the black man is the oldest, the strongest, and was the most intelligent man at one time with the most advanced civilizations, and was charge of his tribe, family and people, how did the foreigners come in and not only enslave them, but take possession of all their lands and resources?  We are going to answer that million dollar question and strip the black man naked before the searing rays of the sun, which is the truth.  I'm only going to venture back in time 600 years because if I go back further, I will be writing all day.  Let's boogie!

The Seven Biggest Mistakes Black Men Have Made

To understand the black man and the seven most egregious mistakes he has made is to understand and know his history.

Egregious Mistake #1

The so-called "Moors" invaded Europe, ruled for 800 years, and driven out because of infighting with the infidel Arab of that time.  In 1492 the last of the "Moors" were driving from the Iberian Peninsula and Granada.  This allowed the Europeans who were bottled up in Europe to come out and exploit the entire world using the same education and technology taught to them by the very "Moors" that they disposed of.  Once the "Moors" returned to North Africa, they made deals with Europeans to trade slaves for gold, and silver.

They were also partners with the Infidel Arab slave traders of East Africa.  Once the "Moors" had emptied out the lands of the tribes they enslaved and sold, the Europeans started enslaving them.  A treaty between Spain, the rest of Europe and the United States put a hold on "Moors" being enslaved. They basically sold out for a dollar.

Egregious Mistake #2

African tribes along the West Coast of African began trading slaves to the Spanish and Portuguese.  Keep in mind that these tribes were headed by black men who were the chiefs and warriors.  They enslaved their neighboring tribes because they wanted their land.  They sold slaves for mirrors, sugar, molasses, guns, bibles, and rum.  They basically sold out for a dollar.

Egregious Mistake #3

Black men led the way in trying to integrate with the same people who had done all they could to try and destroy them.  Many great civil rights leaders had the right idea, bu they miscalculated just how bad of a brain washing black people had.  Black men had a massive inferiority complex back then which in turn, caused black economic flight and community abandonment.

Black men no longer listed to what Booker T. Washington, Marcus Garvey, Noble Drew Ali, Elijah Muhammad, or MLK had been advising them to do, which is accept your own, be yourself and do for yourself.  Black men wanted to be accepted by white society, therefore they started getting "Conks" in their hair, imitating white men, and trying to assimilate white culture into their own.

Egregious Mistake #4

Black men started selling drugs, which in turn, wiped out a whole generation of productive black men and women in the eighties.  The effects can still be felt today.  They will be quick to tell you that the white man brought the drugs over here, but I counter by stating that the what man didn't put a gun to an individual's head to make him sell the drugs to his family, friends, and people in his own community.

Egregious Mistake #5

Black men started making babies in the late 1980s and 1900s and not taking care of them.  Black men began abandoning their children and women en masse during this time period.

Egregious Mistake #6

Black men started making music calling his women bitches and hoes while using the word nigga as a so-called term of endearment.  This brought down the self esteem of the women who would later start to mimic the stereotypes rapped about in those songs.

Egregious Mistake #7

Black men are complaining about black women, the government, the neighborhood, and the children of today, but they refuse to address these issues themselves.  Instead, they look to Obama, the government, and other so-called black leaders, to fix the problems in their homes, and their communities.  Basically, the black man sold all of us out, even himself.

Black Women 'Following Black Men is Counterproductive

Now, I will tell you what the black man has asked for and has received.

  1. He asked the black woman for a shaved pussy, and she gave him that.  This comes from all the porn he has watched and him wanted his woman to be more like the white woman
  2. He asked the black woman for anal sex and to become his personal freak, and she did.
  3. He asked the black woman for bitches and hos,a and she have him that.  Prior to the 90s a black woman would beat the hell out of you if you called her a bitch or a hoe and she wasn't a prostitute. Today, black women refer to each other as such at the beckoning of the black man who makes albums glorifying the practice of self-degradation.
  4. He asked the black woman to get tattoos, tongue rings, clitoris piercing and a belly ring, and she has given him all of this.  Before 2Pac came out, you would have been hard pressed to find a man with a tattoo, unless he was a criminal or rebellious.  Black men started getting them in the mid-1990s and he's asked his woman to follow, and she did.  Now black women are walking around here looking more like a subway train in NYC painted with graffiti!
  5. He asked the black woman to have his baby, and she did.  Now we have 70% of children being born out of wedlock!  Black men will even try to justify why they do not support their children.
  6. He asked the black woman to get "thick."  Now we have an obesity probelm and black women walking around here being proud to be unhealthy.  Black men have brainwashed black women into living an unhealthy lifestyle.

When you add up all the egregious mistakes black men have committed and all they have asked black women to do, then you have to stand in awe whenever one of them starts to point the finger at black women and attempt to blame them for everything.  The black woman has followed the black man straight to the pits of hell on earth and has done everything he has asked her to do, even to her degradation, shame and disgrace.

The black woman has brought herself low trying to appease and please a man who is hell bent on destroying her, their children and himself.  He has no love of self and no love for his own woman and children.  The black man has proven time and time again that his morally bankrupt and only concerned with being accepted by the establishment and making money in the process of selling of his soul.  He is to be looked upon the suspicion and contempt because he is unworthy of any mercy or sympathy.

I could go on and on but I think you get the point.  Black women have been following black men to their own detriment.  Everything they participate in is unhealthy and counterproductive, but black men say it is the right thing to do.

Case in point...

The Weak and Destructive Black Man

From Africa and the selling of Africans by black men to the Europeans, to the Civil Rights era and the debacle that is called integration, to the black man's proliferation of drugs in his community, to the black man degrading his woman on records, the movies, and in every form of media in the entire world, to the black man begging other people to fix the very problems he has created through his lack of character, and misguided, lackluster leadership, black men display weakness and destructive attitudes.

Anyone who would follow or give an ear to the foolish black men, who attempt to blame the black woman for our troubles, deserves their fate.

All of the social programs that the white supremacists have used to divide and destroy black people, are a direct result from black men refusing to stand up like a man and take charge of himself, and his community.

He has not provided institutions of education for his children.  He has not provided jobs and economic opportunities for his women and children.

He has not provided security for this women and children in his communities.

He has sought to practice escapism in the political arena therefore when he takes office; he does nothing to help his community or people.

He does not provide food, clothing and shelter for his woman and children.  And yet, he has the nerves to throw the very woman who has stood with him and followed him since the beginning of time, under the bus.  Unbelievable!

To the men or those who profess to be men, whenever you hear black men trying to point fingers and put black women down, you need to engage these punks, not sit back and say nothing because you are afraid of the backlash!  I can't let a weak man ride with nonsense.

The Black Man is the True Bitch and Ho
According to the Street Dictionary:

A bitch: is someone who complains all the time and whines about everything.  A bitch is a word used to describe a prostitute that sells herself for money.

A hoe:  is a prostitute or someone who will sleep with anyone for a perceived benefit, whether it be money or sexual gratification.

So I say, will the real bitch and ho stand up?  Who is the real bitch and ho?

The real bitch and ho is the black man who has done everything he could to destroy our people through the selling of himself to anybody willing to pay to watch him make a jackass out of himself, his woman, and his children.

The black woman can never be a bitch and a ho because it has been the black man at the bottom of all of the evil that has befallen our people, so he is the real bitch and ho!

A man doesn't come out of his mouth and blame a woman for all of his shortcomings.
A man doesn't ask a woman for permission to be a man.
A man doesn't beg outsiders to fix his problems.
A man takes care of his women and children.
A man doesn't talk shit - they take action, so those men who have been talking shit about black women, y'all hos, and hos talk shit!


Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


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